
Your solutions to the horrible commuting or traffic problem..?

by Guest59759  |  earlier

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I just wrote an article for this site and would love to hear comments about YOUR solutions to the issue. This website is directed at people all over the world and focuses on ecological issues and technology. I wanted to write about traffic..because it is ruining my life!!! please comment...anything would be appreciated =)

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  1. To stop being so accomdating of private auto traffic. When a large housing development springs up north of your small city, what happens? On the highways between this deveopment and town, do we lower speed limits for greater safety in the context of the greater traffic load? Do we add more stop signs and lights for the safey to pedestirans, especially children? NOOOOOO, we widen the road and raise the speed limit, tranforming a quite countryside road into a suburban megaplex of minimalls. Rather than impressing would be suburbanites with the desirability of living close to work, or at least closer to mass transit routes, we rush to accomodate their private autos.

    If our communities are designed in such a way that private auto is cheaper is more convenient, then people will use private auto. If designed so that mass transit, bicycling, and walking are cheaper and more convenient, then people will chose these and leave the car in the driveway.

  2. Public Tranist all the way! Buses, commuter rail anything is better than the insane cost of driving these days!

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