
Your stance on abortion....why bother?

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Does anyone think they'll change the minds of those on the "opposing side"? And just out of curiousity, why does it appear that those on the "against" abortion side appear largely to be male?




  1. In my experience, I could not convince a friend she was making a mistake by having a child that would be damaged. She drank heavily and smoked like a chimney, she had no insurance at all and could barely make it by just taking care of herself. Even her mother didn't want her to have it because she didn't want to get stuck taking care of it. My interest was for the being inside her and noone else. Of course the guy wanted her to abort, but his reason was because he was too young and he had a life to live...he stated plainly he would be around but not dependable. She ended up miscarrying and it turnd out for the best he was a mentally and physically abusive person who would have abused the child anyway. She is all smiles and free of pain.

    I would say if it is the larger population of men that are against it, it's because of their inherent need to spread their seed. Basically it's a trophy sistuation and has nothing to do with the child...ask those same men what they are doing for their child...I bet majority would say 'I send a check every month!'

    I just discussed something like this with my husband last nite and I took my stance as not ever having children because he would not take care of the child, he would just want it because his friends all have one and he wants to spread his seed and keep his last name alive.  For me, if I ever get pregnant I would have an abortion I could never give a child the quality of life my parents gave to me...I'm mentally ill and don't want that passed on either. Hope that helped answer your question.

  2. Some people may have such inflated opinions that they think they CAN change others. I like to debate and see the other views but what other people think is their business. I think SOME of the men seem to be just jealous. They aren't so bothered with killing a baby, more that women have more toys to play with.

  3. I'm a woman, adoptee, former single mother, daughter, and Catholic and am 100% pro-life.  I do not think ripping apart, tearing apart, burning, or sucking out the brains of a baby are morally right.  That is what abortion is, the complete killing and maiming of babies, individuals who are unique individuals.  Over a million of Americans are violently killed via abortion per year.  That is not counting those who are aborted via birth control medications or the morning after pill.

  4. Because men have a lot less influence over the final decision about abortion. If they could get pregnant, there wouldn't be that disparity.

    I don't try to change anyone's mind about abortion; I actually prefer to avoid the topic entirely.

  5. Most of the people have it right when they say you will never change a person who has firmly made their mind up. And what is with all this male bashing "men need to keep it zipped up" and "Men just want to spread their seed". That's totally childish to say that. I am a man, I am pro-life, and I think if you are pro-choice you might as well petition to have every mother who ever killed their child released from prison, i mean... thats her choice right? And its not about spreading a seed more than caring for life. An abortion because your child will be handicapped? you knew the risk before you decided to have a child, be an adult and deal with it. "Oh no, I need to abort because im too young!!!" thats the worst of all, and I wont even comment on it.

  6. It's not that we think we will change minds rather that we hope we will change someone who hasnt quite made up her mind about it.

    We know that we will not change someone who already taken a position on it but there are people who does not know all the facts and hasnt decided how they feel.  Our answers are for the them, the undecided not the pro aborts.

  7. Men really have no say; if they're so concerned about ti they need to keep it zipped or get a vasectomy or use a condom instead of leaving everything up to the woman. As to changing minds, no I doubt that very much. I am Pro Choice and no one can ever make me change my stand.

  8. There are plenty of woman against abortion and plenty of men for it

    but to answer your question, it just seems to be something to do, i don't know anyway with a solid pro or against stance who will cange thier minds because of the internet, but it seems that abortion is an issue inwhich a large portion of the country rides the fence, taking a position of "i wouldn't do it myself but i still support it"

  9. I think that the dialogue needs to happen.

    A lot of people honestly don't realize that to make abortion illegal is to kill and seriously injure countless women-- they think that just because it's illegal means it will never happen.

    And for pro-lifers who see it as murder, they want to spread the word and try to stop what they perceive as murder from happening.

  10. The big reason abortion is debated so heavily in the U.S. is that no one had input through the political process. Nine judges used bad law to come up with abortion rights. Yes, even those legal scholars that support abortion agree that the Supreme Court used inconsistent law to create a law(which they are not suppose to do) to make their decision.

  11. idk if that's true or not, I'm male and abortions come in handy every so often, id like to see the feminists giving some thanks for this liberating procedure rather than carrying on as if its a birth right. many cant get their hands on so much as an aspirin, an abortion is a privilege.

  12. Every poll ever taken in the recent year or two shows pro-life ahead of pro-choice. More people are for pro-life than pro-choice guarantee women are a good percentage of pro-life.

  13. In terms of why bother, i can at least speak a bit to my personal experience. I started out in my youth being fairly against abortion. But over a three year period of learning more about the issue my feelings shifted and i'm going on 12 years now of being *very* pro-choice. So people do change, but it doesn't happen over night either.  

    For those even who have made up their minds, i think the dialog is still helpful. Even though the law cannot meet everyone's desires, to be a healthy society we need to learn to agree to disagree on some level -- something we seem to be sorely lacking in the last decade of U.S. politics! And understanding where other people are coming from even if we don't agree is an important part of that.

  14. No there are plenty of pro-lifers of both sexes. I doubt that I will change anyones mind. In reality there are far more people against abortion than supporting it! I'll give you a couple of statistics.

    "When asked if they were Pro-Life or Pro-Choice over a period of five years, the public’s approval of the Pro-Life position rose from 33% to 43%, and their collective opinion of the Pro-Choice position declined from 56% to 48%."

    Bella Online

    Here is how I see it

    Pro-choice: They want women to have the option of abortion they are not trying to change opinions.

    Pro-life: They want to eliminate abortions entirely because they consider it murder.

    I don't see it as a mind control idea. Neither side cares what other people think they just want to make certain options unavailable/available. Now you can go and try to guess which side I support!

  15. An interesting tid-bit I just learned...when somebody asked Mother Theresa why God hadn't given us a cure for AIDS, her response was, "He sent someone and we aborted him."

    I will never change my viewpoint on abortion.  I will always, and have always, considered it murder.  That being said, I don't picket abortion clinics and I'm not a hateful person.  

    It sounds like you've met some very vocal guys that are pro-life....have you ever consider what it must be like to hear that your girlfriend is pregnant, but that she's decided to suck your child out of her womb and you can't do anything about it?  Makes one think...

    I do think it's possible to change somebody's viewpoint from pro-choice to pro-life, but not by criticizing and condemning them.  Facts speak for themselves and when most women hear the facts, 80% of women choose to keep their baby.

  16. I do think it is a pointless conversation if it is your goal to change someone's mind.  Most debates are.  I like to debate because I think it is an absolute waste of time to take a stance on anything if you don't "LISTEN" to the opposition and make an intelligent and informed decision on why you disagree.  I tend to be very conservative in my views but really enjoy a good debate with my liberal friends (well the ones who actually have a conversation with me and don't just start calling me names and yelling at me)

  17. No, but I can give a shot to clarifying my position.

    I don't know the stats, but there are a LOT of females who oppose abortion; and males who support its continued legality. (Most Americans oppose reversing Roe v. Wade.)

    And, no, not all of us past-bearing oppose; nor do all still-fertile-aged support.

    Religiosity is probably a better predictor, as those who think the Sky Bully puts "souls" into zygotes are most likely to oppose abortion.

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