
Your take on this please.ten points?

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i fall out with this guy that I love and who said he loved me.Basically after our argument,he gives me an ultimatum to tell him if I loved him and I didnt because the argument was terrible and I was deeply hurt.We dont talk for months.Then on a night out we avoid each other,but i see he is upset and go up to him and make some small talk.He responds but its very cold.This other woman is there,she is always all over him,she interrupts the minute she sees us talking and starts being kinda smart with me.So I move away.I pull on my jacket to leave.Just as I do,I hear him call her name really loudly and he asks her something twice(dont know what)I leave. I have had enough and assume they are together.The next day I am talking to a mutual friend who slags me off for leaving so early.The guy I like makes a point of saying he left shortly after I did.I slag him kinda and say, yeah thats a likely story.He says that he did leave then walks away.What do you think is going on




  1. It sounds like he might have been surprised or shocked when he saw you and didn't know how to handle the fact that he was with that other girl.  He might still like you, but tried to move on.   But it sounds like he wanted you to know that he left.  It sounds like he thought you moved on but from reaction that you might not have....IDK, kinda confusing.  Maybe you should just be might have to put yourself out there but it will stop the confusion...

  2. He doesn't sound particularly interested in you. Move on you dont deserve to be treated like that.

  3. I think this is a lot of drama that isn't doing either of you any good.  I suggest you invite him to dinner at a quiet restaurant, telling him the purpose of the get-together is to talk about the two of you and to make some decisions.  How good would that feel, to walk out of that dinner knowing one way or the other?  Make it happen!!

  4. you are deceiving each other

  5. To be perfectly honest, whatever this guy's intentions are or what makes him tick, he doesn't have the maturity or commitment to be of any value to you and you would be best to move onto someone who doesn't play mind games and who can love you and only you. Relationships are the hardest thing in the world to get get right but with this guy you won't even get through round one.  Remember, there are literally thousands of fish in the sea so you have a good chance to find that special one providing you move on and move on now.  So, give yourself permission to move on and find that great guy of your dreams!

  6. Maybe he's trying to make you jealous.  For him to yell loudly twice, he is only asking for your attention.  Best of luck!!

  7. You guys are all playing games with e/o.  

    It's very hard to understand what is going on here.  

    The original guy is hurt b/c you won't tell him you love him. (BUT) he can't make you say it!

    And he is using this other girl to make you jeleous.

    And most importantly..YOU are letting this all get to you.

    I personally would not want to be around people who were going to play little games with me and not be real.  

    Life is to short to spend it figuring out people that will never make sense anyway.

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