
Your talents are requested.....?

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a great advanced civilization was passing thru our solar system and is ready to donate ONE advance in science out of the following three.... which one would you choose and why ?

1. ENERGY : we will receive the technology to fusion energy - the answer to unlimited energy forever.

2. HEALTH : the cures to all medical illnesses including genetically acquired ones. ( not immortality though ).

3. COSMIC DISCOVERY : the technology to interstellar travel to other worlds and perhaps other life including the gift bearers !

please pick wisely and explain yourself thoroughly.

serious answers only please.




  1. Cosmic discovery it would allow us to trade with other planets and gain the other two choices

  2. I'd choose cosmic discovery.

    Energy would be great, and would solve a lot of problems we currently have, but we really have all the energy we need already from the sun, we just need to harness it properly.  We're within a few decades of having the technology to run on completely renewable energy.

    As far as health... it would certainly be nice to cure all diseases, but even so, you'd increase the average age from mid-70's to 90 or 100, and people would still die.  It's just not that big of a change in the grand scheme of things.

    However, interstellar travel, as far as our physics is concerned, is impossible... if aliens did manage to find some sort of way to break the laws of physics, it would be incredibly beneficial for us to be able to travel to new planets.  It would vastly expand the scope of our knowledge, and it would ensure the safety of our species even through such events as our own sun exploding.

  3. I choose Health  , specially mental health.  I am assuming  that hostility is a mental disorder. If all of us cooperate ,if we don't  distrust one another ,we can achieve everything

  4. i would have to take the energy. with it we could solve a heck of a lot of problems and perhaps unleash the secret to interstellar travel.

    I'm not sure that everyone should be healthy all of the time. the world is already running low on food supplies and that would further compound the problem. plus think of the number of jobs we would lose.

    and we may not be ready for cosmic discovery. lets get things worked out her before we move to other worlds.

  5. i would pick cosmic discovery because through that we could learn of new technology that could fix our energy and our health issues through extra terestrial life forms.  so basicly cosmic discovery could prove the solve all of our worlds problems

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