
Your thought on the royal family?

by Guest63811  |  earlier

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I m British & visited Windsor Castle last weekend. Walking around it you feel overwhelmed with the history & lavish expense of there life style. In the old days when the kings goverened the country & fought its wars you can feel justified. But really apart from the money they get threw tourists wot do the modern royals really do to justify such lavish things supplied to them by the british public ?




  1. I think the whole royal thing is ridiculous.

    It's an old tradition that is not necessary for modern democracy.

  2. They are related to Chavs!

  3. I think they shold modern the royal family, expecially women's equal rights to succession. It is discrimination to the highest degree

  4. the British royal family are a waste of tax payers money AND it is undemocratic to have a head of state that is not elected.  There is no place in 21st century Britain for the monarchy

  5. The do nothing that an elected Head of State couldn't do just as effectively and far more cheaply.

  6. yes until anyone can come up with  better alternative. I should theoretically be anti royal because of my politics but I am not. There is no more successful constitutional system available to us than the one we have, bar some improvements to the election system for Westminster.

  7. A bunch of inbred, screwed up, parasites. There is nothing more to say other than get rid!

  8. I greatly admire the Queen and as a figurehead for the UK and Ireland I think she does a great job.  However I think the days of the people funding the royal family well that must end. There are too many hangers-on the Royal family and we should  not be funding them either. They have land, property and money and should be able to fund themselves.  I do not think Prince Charles will be a great a King as his mother is  Queen, I would like to see the crown pass to Prince William.

  9. Beatrice's new student digs - buy herself a £4.25million house in London.

    Willy uses a 10million Chinook helicopter as his own personal "Nova"

    Not impressed.

  10. Not a big fan of the Royals - personally I don't think they justify their means, and all they are good for is generating tourism income into England.

  11. Windsor Castle & other royal palaces belong to the nation, not to the Royal family. Thus all entrance money belongs to the Treasury. The family earn huge revenue for the UK through tourism and public relations, and despite criticism are better value for money than any alternative.

  12. harry or whoever is in the army has to spend about 1 month in each thing like navy Ext. when normal people have to spend 6months,

  13. They are cool ! try spending a tenner without the queens head on it LOL !

    I like them, its part of our culture and they seem to try their best. I'd have them round for a cup of tea so I would.

    In fact I'd go as far as sack the government and let them run the country, I never did like that t**t Cromwell.

    God save the Queen !!

  14. I enjoy it, they should bring out a new season!

    "My ****..."

  15. i have a great deal of respect for the royals give me royality over a president any day they give their lives to their people they cant have a life of their own how many of us can you say would do that

  16. I used to be a bit anti-royal but when you think about it, they have a member of their family serving in the military, out in a war zone - can you say the same about any politician?

    So my respect for them is certainly higher than politicians.

  17. The Royal family don`t cost the taxpayer a penny.  Some of you will have seen other comments on income from the Crown Estates which in effect funds the Civil List - to the tune of a surplus of approx £95 million.

  18. They do a lot of unseen diplomatic work, the Queen is the head of the State church, and the head of the army, she has the power to reject laws, remove PM's and open Parliament.

    She also has to have weekly consultations with the PrimE Minister.

    She does a lot of work we don't get to appreciate.

  19. i think they should all go get a job I'm fed up with people like that does the queen get a pension

  20. I really wish people would learn to spell, text langauge has done us no favours at all - wot???  

    The royal family do a job, and get paid (too much) for it.  As they are paid by taxpayers, people do not get a choice whether they pay for them or not.  There are many people around who would support the royal family and they should be the ones who pay, if you want a celebrity to open your new organisation, or an embasssador for your country on a trip, then fair enough you pay the going rate directly to them, then the ones who don't support it don't pay.  Simple as.  Run it as a business like anything else, and contract out the royal family to those who want them.  You can't get rid of them totally, lots of people would employ them, I just think it should be done directly and not via the government and tax payer.

  21. Who knows. They should sell Buckingham Palace and give all the money to the poor.

  22. Interesting viewpoint. It seems excessive to me as well, but to dismantle all the art and architecture for the sake of it after it has been there for many years (and pulls in the tourists, as you said) seems like change for the sake of it.

    I think if you investigate it deeply you will see that the senior members of the royal family really do a good job, work longer hours than most people, and are unrecognised. Prince Andrew, for example, is labelled a good-time playboy by the tabloids in the UK, and yet spends most of his time flying the world promoting British Industry.

    I've read about the funding of the civil list (the 'wages' that allow the royals to live and entertain foreign leaders, etc.) and per person per year it comes out as cheaper than a President.

    If you want to see where real taxpayers' money is wasted, it's worth looking at the billions of pounds wasted by the government every year on spin, focus groups and advisors. It is really criminal.

  23. Bunch o' parasitic, good-for-nothing wasters.

    I see they get free Chinook helicopters now to go visiting their girlfriends and to ferry their idiot friends to stag nights, while the length and breadth of the land there are people without a roof over their heads or a pot to pi$$ in.

    Just about says it all, really, doesn't it?

  24. I agree with you.

  25. You are correct. Similar to most hollywood celebs.

  26. idiots

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