
Your thoughts about "metaphysical unease"?

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metaphysical unease is like the bodily state of a man in a fever who will not lie still but keeps shifting around in his bed looking for the right position

care to give me your opinion/ideas about this?




  1. I have never heard of metaphysical unease but - if I understand what you are saying correctly - physical life is nothing but metaphysical unease!  

    Let's view this issue from the standpoint that Truth is uniform, whole, and existing outside of temporary nature; in other words, Truth is the eternal substance underlying manifested, temporary phenomenon.

    If we accept this premise, then the material world becomes a kind of agitation of a mind that is otherwise perfectly serene.  In a uniform reality, from what could we differentiate?  Yet, we absolutely are differentiating, and thus culling identities from our observations.  The more we add to our supposed identities, the bigger our ego gets, and thus the further we are from the Truth.  

    The state of having many attachments to personal identity blocking realization of the Truth can be called metaphysical unease.  We explore the world, looking for something outside of ourselves to lend us peace.  But just as the feverish man can find no position which is peaceful to him, so can we find nothing in the material realm which will bring us serenity and oneness.

    The solution for both the feverish man and the earnest searcher is to be quiet and go within, identifying not with what is, but instead with what is eternally quiet within us.  This silent observer is our True self; the incessant chatter of our minds, the fluctuations of our emotions, and the physicality of our bodies is ancillary to the observer, who never takes any action whatsoever, but only is silent and open, immersed.

    You can notice this portion of yourself right away: in thinking, is not there a portion of you who watches your thoughts as you think them? That watcher is the silent witness.  Identifying yourself with this witness erodes metaphysical unease and allows the fever suffer to be quiet and at peace in the midst of his ordeal.

  2. Metaphysics is the identification of the universals within groups of particulars after identifying the particular. The universal of "table" is "flat surface on legs, used to hold objects."

    The "metaphysics" you seem to refer to may have ties to psychological disfunctions accepting certain metaphysical existents' identities. But I've never hear it called that before. Such a person needs the help of an Epistemic Psychologist.

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