
Your thoughts on Favre going to the Jets?

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I was a little sad. I wanted to see him either retire or go with the Raiders. In my mind, I knew it wouldnt happen that way though.




  1. Why is it that sports icons just can't let go while they are winning.  Brett Favre is old, beat up and just is'nt what he was 16 years ago.  He should have showed a little class and retired when he was on top.  Last year would have been perfect after a good season.

  2. I thought it was dumb. Why go to the Jets? Really, the Jets?

    When Richard Seymour flattens him, he'll realize that retirement was a better option.

  3. With no Favre on the Packers this year, I'm optimistic that the Bears could go 5-11 instead of 3-13.

  4. well now the whole reinstatement thing is over...i wonder how many people will post questions about him and the Jets

  5. I bet he won't last but one season and then will retire again.

  6. He's old.  He needs to give it a rest.  It's sad to see guys like this unable to redefine themselves and just let go...

  7. it possibly makes jets a playoff team...but jets better hope its a one and done thing...cause if not, it risks their chance of pursuing brady quinn after this year

  8. Farve sucks! his family is from my area, and they are not very personable people.

    He is a good football player, I will give him that, but I don't care what team he goes to, as long as he is out of this state!

  9. Good for Brett. The media plays the hype, but the reality is ..... if he wants to play, then let him play. If he can make an impact where he is going then do it. People who want to bring him down are people that don't understand sports.  

  10. Finally it's over~!

  11. Better the jets than the bucs

  12. Atleast he's out of the NFC North (Proud Vikings fan)

  13. I don't know how successful Favre will be as a Jet. I don't think he'll be happy in New York for very long.

  14. He got what he deserves!  Can't keep doing this every year!  The Packers got sick of his s@it!  He can't rule  the team like that and come back anytime he wants to!

  15. Good choice, leadership is what the jets need. the rest will come!!

  16. The New York Jets get a HUGE upgrade with Brett Favre, who is a true hall of fame quarterback. THey will make the playoffs becasue of Favre's talent and leadership. That was a great move by theJets and Bucs fans shouldn't be sad because they have another good quarterback in Jeff Garcia, who is younger than Favre and in his early 30's. There is no ay that Favre couldn't go to the Raiders, but I thought he could've gone to the Bears or Vikings.

    Overall, the Brett Favre "comeback into NFL "saga is OVER!

  17. we are psychically connected I think..but you didn't say his name like this: close but no cigar.

    I am utterly shocked, I don't like the packers though so I'm glad he got to do what he's very, very strange though, he's a staple in Greenbay.

  18. Favre is the ****** dumbest person ive ever heard of, he better get injured becuase im ready to injure him!!!

  19. To be honest,  I am thinking Favre was being a little ***** during this whole ordeal.  It would be just fine to me if he just stayed retired.


    I've been a NY Jets fan forever, through their ups (and recent, excruciatingly painful downs) and I've always respected Brett Favre as a player.

    When I first heard of the possible trade, I didn't even think twice because Favre showed no interest at all towards moving to New York.  But last night when I heard it was final I immediately got excited.  I'm not sure how the team will mesh in the beginning, because he is just starting, and it was obvious that joining the team was not his top priority.  Hopefully, the guys will be able to put their personal issues aside and do their job, and make this one of the best Jet seasons ever.

    I cant wait until Sunday, I'm going down to Hofstra to see them practice w/ their new teammate =)

  21. I am sad. I was born in GB and I grew up watching him and thought a lot of the person he seemed to be. I feel kind of let down by his behavior. That is the saddest thing.

  22. Who is this Favre you are speaking of...I have never heard of him.  This type of deal really needed to receive more coverage because I had no idea this was going on

  23. Okay, okay, I'll admit it. I'm a little bummed to see Favre leaving Green Bay. headed for the Big Apple.

    I was kind of hoping they'd take him out behind Lambeau Field and shoot him.

  24. Pros need to know when to hang it up.  Look at Micheal Jordan when he played for the Wizards.  

    Farve should just enjoy retirement.  

  25. I am so sick, I could puke. Brett either should of stayed retired or ONLY played for Green Bay. What a mess, I'm just so upset.

  26. shocking, never expected the jets, i expected Tampa bay or somewhere else....

    Now only if mats sundin could make a decision,,,,,,,,,,

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