
Your thoughts on Mike Adamle as G.M???

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As an ECW commentator I found Mike poor but at the same time very funny calling the matches soooo wrongly and when Shane O Mac announced him as G.M on Raw I thought 'That's the end of Raw as we know it' but up to now the guy has proved me wrong with his persona and the matches he calls. (wrestling haters please don't comment that its the script writers), all I mean is his character definitely suits the role.

Your thoughts please...




  1. i think hes doing great! These adamle originals are so good there rubbing off on smackdown and ecw!

  2. I like the matches and Unforgiven is already looking like the best PPV so far this year other than Wrestlemania.

  3. the gm still has some say in how the matches and storylines play he wont just be a figure head like a lot people think

  4. I don't know why everyone was worried in the first place. I mean, yea an idiot is running the US, but thats because we got a bunch of dumb hicks that "vote fur uhh republikan" Did anyone really think Vince would let Adamle be GM, and put him in some stupid role, where he just ruins everything? He is going crazy because he wanted the ratings up, so he would do anything to bring them up. Hence, why Adamle is being represented good on TV.

  5. for me, adamle is good 'coz he isn't afraid to go beyond the contemporary.. the new type of matches that he has introduced so far are good..

  6. Mike Adamle is Awesome....Every Events he make is d**n good.!

  7. I think that Mike Adamle has made some original matches are that they are quite good, but his character is not to bright so it makes me wonder is it him that's the brains of the writers.

  8. I think that the adamle origional matches are quite good and he has made some interesting matches since he's been GM

  9. Putting aside the fact that Adamle doesn't actually make the matches, I like his new gimmick as GM. It works. I don't know how, but it just does.

    He was boarderline embarrassing as ECW announcer, but now he has a script in front of him, he is beginning to earn that $300k that the WWE is paying him. Here's hoping that he keeps it going.  

  10. I guess you're right about his character, but its just g.m. and such a role lacks importance (to me anyway.)

    I just dont like when people give him credit for "Adamle originals" when he doesn't make the matches at all.

    This championship whatever idea they are doing now is dumb anyway.

  11. I don't like Mike Adamle at all, but he is doing a pretty good job on Raw. I think his role is a very good one for him. He makes great matches and stuff like that be I still don't like him.

  12. i think mike adamle has a sweet a$$

  13. I don't see why people hate him so much!

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