
Your thoughts on a boyfriend that keeps viewing p**n on my computer?

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last nite he was watching it...he was at my house and i went to sleep early.....this morn i checked all the history of the computer and it was loaded with p**n sites....what should i do about this...should i tell him ....does this mean its cheating




  1. it doesnt mean hes cheating, cheating is having s*x with someone else when you are in a relationship.  guys need  and want the visual things to get them aroused, women feel more and guys need visual help.  its normal for a guy to look at p**n, but if it becomes a obcession then it becomes a problem.  if you dont like him to do this on your computer, tell him about it.

  2. If you were sleeping why is it an issue? p**n isn't cheating, it's fantasy. If you don't want p**n on your computer, tell him so...he can view it on his own.

    As long as he doesn't watch p**n instead of spending time with you, or need p**n to get aroused to be with you, it's fine. A lot of people (including women) get some enjoyment from watching p**n.

    Why is this in Marriage & Divorce if he's your 'boyfriend'?

  3. Two issues, one is you do not trust him because you checked the history, so no matter what he does you probably will check up on him his whole life.

    Issue two, if you are with him and he is watching p**n, either you are not giving him enough action, or you are not giving him what he wants.

  4. It's not cheating but I wouldn't like it. It's your computer and there are blocks that can be put on these sites. If you don't want him doing this, I suggest block it and the next time he tries to go to these sites then he'll get the idea. I wouldn't tell him either. Just let him get the message you are sending him!

  5. I hear dudes saying that guys just watch p**n...well, guys just smoke, gamble, waste money, and eat poorly...and that makes them poor husbands/boyfriends. Ditto for watching p** fact, watching online p**n is worse.

    Internet p**n is the fastest growing addiction on the planet...even more addictive than online gambling (and we all know that gambling is a problem).

    It destroys relationship on several levels: emotinally, sexually, financially.

    I could go on, but like smoking, gambling, etc. you either understand it or you don't.

  6. Another  p**n question? This record is overplayed a search for this on answers, you will get a kazillion answers...bottom line? It`s not cheating, most guys do watch it. FYI, the internet is made up of 98% pornographic material...that number is way high, but the reality is, s*x sells...

  7. if you dont like him doing that on your computer you can confront him with it. However, I wouldnt reccoment asking him to not watch p**n at all, cause taht would probably cause him to lie.... Its not a good idea to stand between a man and his p**n.

    It's definelty not cheating...

    Maybe be if you want to have a little fun you can ask him if you can watch it with him...

  8. If it crosses the boundaries of your relationship and you are not comfortable with it, tell him so. Fact is, if it's really "nothing" to worry about, then he should have no problem stopping looking at pornography for the health of your relationship. If it is important to you, then tell him. If you have no issue with it, let it go. For me, it is a form of cheating. That is what works within MY relationship.  

  9. I don't mind it but if you do you need to request that he stop on your computer. Part of the issue with this is that there is a big chance he will get a virus on your computer...tell him you don't want a virus and if he is going to look at p**n, use his own. My BF looks at it but not on mine, we have two in the house, my laptop and hsi desktop. he uses his and that's fine.

  10. it doesnt mean he is cheating...a lot of guys like to watch p**n...

  11. I think it's the same as cheating.  If it was something that he confronted you about and didn't hide from you, or something you all did together, it would be different.  But there you are asleep, a real live in the flesh human being, why doesn't he wake you up and share his 'love' with you, instead of a computer.  I don't agree with everyone else in the world (it seems) and think this is exceptable, I think that pornography is just the beginning of problems.  What will be next to 'satisfy' his needs?  Have someone join you in the bedroom?  My opinion is it IS cheating.  I wouldn't put up with it, you deserve better and deserve more respect.  He could at least do it at his own home where it's not obvious you'll see it.  Talk to him about your all's sexual relationship, if it's satisfying to him or not, and how it can be improved.  If he can't talk to you about it, then there is another problem.  I don't believe 'every man does it', I just don't believe that.  Good luck.

  12. p**n is moderation is healthy for a guy. They get weird if they get too little or too much.

  13. the only thing that would get me too mad is that it is YOUR computer and you certainly don't want that c**p on your computer. If he has to do it, tell him to do it at home and not on yours. And if he doesn't have a computer tell him it is 2008 and to get a job and get one.

    It is a hard thing about p**n. Sometimes it can be harmless, sometimes not. It usually can be pretty destructive to the psyche of the man and to a relationship because he will try to make you into his p**n fantasies, which you will not be able to do probably, if you have any morals. So I would tell him to stop or kick him to the curb.

  14. No, guys watch p**n, it's what we do. Doesn't mean he cares about you less.  

  15. Since it is your computer create a password that only allows you to log onto it.  

  16. He is not cheating he is just doing what men do.  They can't help themselves and you will only upset yourself fretting about it.  Mine use to watch p**n a lot and go to Teazers (strip club) So I started going to TeazHers whenever he went to Teazers must say he is SO jealous that he stopped going there and according to him so did I *LoL*

  17. Guys watch p**n, when there other halves go to bed early, the guy still has needs, so he pleases himself in front of p**n, If you honestly think he is cheating on you then you have an issue, it's hardly the same as sleeping with someone else behind your back......Which would you prefer?

  18. i'd tell him to watch it on his own computer, i wouldn't want him loading my computer with p**n sites because many of them have virus! i wouldn't care he watched it but i'd be pissed if he screwed up my computer.  

  19. Tell to watch this trash on his own computer, if he has a need for this then he must think you are not enough anyway.

  20. Guys watching p**n is like kids looking at sweets in a sweet shop.  They dont look at p**n emotionally - its just writhing flesh to them!  Dont take it seriously.  It may give him some good ideas - you'd be amazed about how many guys are insecure about their performance (no wonder after watching super studs in p**n movies! - a bit like us girls looking at top models in magazines!)  Dont make a big deal out of it, be secure about your body and your looks - thats why he's with you as a beautiful and not a p**n star fantasy!  If it makes you feel uncomfortable, tell him that if he really needs to watch p**n, watch it on his own computer (cos these sites are often loaded with viruses anyway!).  And, make him feel that his relationship with you is WAY more exciting than watching p**n stars ! Have fun !  

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