
Your thoughts on bertie ahern?

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Your thoughts on bertie ahern?




  1. In Brazil we too have the press moutning on people because of corruption scandals all the time.... mostly bullsh** to sell papers.... what do we care????

  2. He's a good man that did alot for our country. Plus he's a Man Utd fan!!

  3. Ya, he's lieing.............I really don't care once he can run the country, he'll do a better job then Enda ANY day! that's all I care about

  4. He will be gone by this time next year.

    There is a face book group called resign mr ahern it is growing day by day....................... join if you agree

  5. Aww Gawd love'm for trying but the game's up.I still kill meself laughing that the Minister for Finance didn't have a bank book.YEAH RIGHT!!!!

    He had a good run but we don't zip up the back,time he went.

  6. ah sure em ahem i dont know em em em em

  7. I personally think he's a sound fella!! lol!!

    I'm not into politics but if I was I wouldn't be voting FG or FF or the Greens or the PDs or Labour for that matter! lol!!

    Everybody gives him a hard time over the money but like innocent till proven guilty! (OK well he is practically proven guilty, but that's not the point!).

    He's done alot for the country in fairness to him!

  8. Could be worse. Italy had Berlusconi for so long and there's a risk that he'll win the elections again in 2 weeks.

  9. Better Bertie than Enda.

  10. he spends waay too much money on make up!!

    but i dont mind him!  I HATE Mary Hearney - what a waste of space

  11. Corupt, bent, disgraceful little man.

  12. I love him!

    He's so cute. Stop giving him a hard time!

    = )

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