
Your thoughts on converting to Islam to marry a woman.

by Guest57335  |  earlier

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I am curious what everyone's thoughts are.

I am growing to appreciate Islam more, it's concepts, theories, and practices. All of which are because of a certain girl that I am in love with.

Would it be practical to convert if I am truly in love w/ this girl, for future marriage? Even thought I am enjoying the religion, probably the main reason of converting would be for her.

Thank you for your time and thoughts.




  1. I say No.

    Islam is from the heart.

    Insha'Allah maybe one day you might convert for yourself, but never do it for another. Only for your heart. Otherwise how could you be truly happy?  

  2. If that's where your heart is leading you...

    Don't let others tell you otherwise.  

    Good luck in all of your religious and spiritual pursuits!

  3. u should not convert to islam for her sake but for the sake of allah

  4. A lot of people convert to Islam who are in the same situation as you are;-)


  5. No, the main reason has to be God, not that girl.

    Otherwise ur conversion to islam will be a fake conversion and the marriage will be invalid in islam.

    So if u love God and His religion, then go ahead say Shahada.

  6. Keep researching Islam and see if you believe what Islam teaches. If not, then converting for her will only cause more problems as Islam is not a religion to be entered into lightly and problems will occur later in the relationship. Islam is a way of life not a professed belief.

    Also, not being Arab will NOT cause problems. I converted and I'm a white woman. Actually, people raised in Islam tend to love converts a lot because they chose the religion even though there is a big campaign of misinformation about Islam. Honestly, I never had a problem but if anyone says anything to you, tell them that the best Muslims (the companions of the Prophet (saw)) were converts: Bilal, Umar, Abu Bakr, Uthman, Ali and so on (may Allah be pleased with them all).


  7. I'd say don't listen to the closed minded people on here. Do what your heart tells you. Islam is for anyone.

  8. - Convert only for yourself. (If you leave the girl in future you will not feel bad)

    - Islam favors Woman should marry Muslim Man. (Vice-Versa)

    - If you like Islam, then researching will help you to decide. Read Quran and teachings of Islam.

    - Yes! It will be practical If you both will have the same religion. For example you'll be raising children with same religion, participating same religious events etc. If you will not have same religion then there will be more conflicts. for example "I want to raise my kids muslim" "NO" "Protestant" etc. So you can imagine yourself.

    Goodluck---- Convert for yourself ONLY

  9. oh oh brother that is a biggggg mistake

    if u are mainly in the heart only accepting islam in the becuase of this girl, it isnt right at all. Also if u arry her and only half heartedly follow islam then u will be in a big shock! becuase a good muslim husband has to provide a certain role for the family. he cant hit his wife or shout, provide for her and the children, and all the money that the women earns she can keep it for herself no matter what and has no obligation to pay for the shooping/food/kids ect, whereas u wud :) and if she decides she doenst want to go to work then u cant do anything about it, even if u are all poor ect.

    And if this girl is practising muslim then she will definatley expect them from you.

    And you have other religious duties.... going to juma (friday prayers at mosque) and pray five times a day and also keep a beard. And know, it is not the way people think it is, the beard does not have to be grown. As long as u dnt shave from the root, then u can trim it so that its close to ur face and neat :)

  10. Well if you are converting just for show, I do not think the girl would want to marry you if she is a practicing muslim. If you appreciate Islam's "theories," then you will appreciate that you are not doing what is best for this girl. She deserves a true muslim. Sorry to sound rude, but if you were in her position, you would know that she wants a true muslim. Besides, her parents would know if you are for reals or not.

  11. Your religion and beliefs are something within your heart. You cannot simply call yourself a muslim -- you have to believe with all your heart and have a good level of faith and convincing in your brain to truly be Muslim (or anything else!). Keep in mind that your lifestyle will drastically change from what it is currently like (praying 5 times a day, fasting, no pork or alcohol, etc.) <- does the self discipline appeal to you? If you are simply converting for the girl, you are just a muslim by name and in Gods eyes are not at all a muslim. If, however, this girl just triggered your interest in Islam and you really do believe it is the right path, then you truly are a muslim convert.

  12. No person should leave their religion and convert to another one just because they are in love with someone.  If the woman truly loves you then she will marry you anyway and forget about some 1400 year old law that says she can't simply so Islam can have more Muslims in the religion and thereby getting to say that Islam is the fasting growing religion in the world.  Would you become an atheist or satan worshipper for a woman?  Then you shouldn't become a Muslim for one.

  13. May be your love with the girl is getting you to the love with Allah.

    Have a nice time, party and enjoy.. Get to the best of what you can!

    May Peace and blessings be upon us all

  14. In my opinion, you shouldn't convert to Islam because of a girl you are in love with. You should convert because you think it's the truth, because you believe in Allah and the teachings of Islam.

    If you truley believe in Islam then yes go ahead, but if you only say you believe in it or only want to convert so that you can marry the women you love is wrong. Not only are you trying to fool God, but you're kind of fooling yourself and the women who you want to marry.

    Look into Islam properly, and see whether you really do believe in it. Islam is not just about agreeing with the teachings, you must practice them... and it's not always that easy. Think about it.

    Inshallah you genuinly find truth in Islam.  

  15. You have tio think about it through i mean do you want to leave your current religion. What will your friends and family say? If you are just doing it for this girl then it's not entirely the right thing to do. Does she want you to do it? You have to talk about this to your family friends to her and if you KNOW you want to do it then go ahead but only if you are sure.

    Good Luck

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