My baby boy was born 11lbs. He has been exclusively breastfed, but over the last few weeks he has been incessantly hungry and on the breast every 1-2 hours. He has been showing many of the signs of wanting food, and so I gave him a bit of mashed up banana last week. He wolfed it down. Today I mixed a bit of banana with avocado - and he wolfed that down too. He was less impressed with the baby rice I offered him.
I know the WHO recommends babies be exclusively breastfed for 6 months, and I feel guilty that I have started to give my baby a bit of food (albeit just a few tsps late afternoon). However, I really don't want him having formula milk.
What would you do in my situation? Breastfeed every 1-2 hours (even though I have a 3 year old who is feeling very neglected) and I am totally exhausted, give tiny bits of solid food or a bottle of formula milk in the evening.
Your comments are gratefully accepted.