
Your thoughts on...?

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I am probably not going to pick a best answer, so write away!




  1. Well, as a kid, there was a kid in our school who terrorized everyone, and often beat kids up and was basically a scary jerk to be avoided. But he would not be avoided and continued to run his mission to be king of the hill and tyrant on the playground.

    We collectively decided that enough was enough and just one of us could not conquer the bully. We collectively cornered him, beat the c**p out of him and he was last seen running half naked across the school yard with shouts from all of us "see ya tomorrow..."

  2. Terrorism can take many different forms.

    For example, Bush is the biggest domestic terrorist. His color-coded terror scale is nothing but a way to keep the American people so scared that they will say amen to anything he does.

  3. Not needed for this world..

    The word which i dont want to use in English...

  4. If they do it to us, let's do it to them.


    The above link charts terrorist acts all over the world.  I will draw your attention to the fact that, between 1968 and 2000, there were about 2000 terrorist attacks in the Middle East.  Between 2000 and 2007, there were over 12,000.

    This is a DIRECT result of America sticking it's nose where it doesn't belong.

    I have no problem hunting down the men responsible for 9-11.  But our military presence in the Mid-East is causing more problems than it's solving.

  6. Terrorism is ugly! My suggestion is that the political activists and politicians get into the ring and fight it out and may the best man win!!! Oh, and there are no weapons of mass destruction allowed!

  7. Terrorism is causing violence which can harm people

    or it can kill. Such ways for terrorism is use of guns

    bombs, or hijacking planes.  If you followed the 9/11 attack

    last week this was the 6th anniversary.  

    Many lives were lost, because planes were hijacked these planes crashed in the twin towers.  People who died were police officers, fire fighters, and parmedics.  Close to 3,000 people died.  I saw a movie of this with a friend last week.

  8. just another reason why I hate humans so much

  9. Terrorism is one culture or society attempting to usurp authority over another through means of instilling fear.

    We've done it before . . . I guess now, we're just getting our karmatic justice.

  10. It's really bad.
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