
Your thoughts on the Oct 2 Biden/Palin debate...?

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How to you expect the Biden/Palin debate to play out? Initially I am worried for Palin but after watching her last night I think I may be underestimating this woman.

On the other hand this may be a lose/lose situation for Biden. A white man up against a Hockey mom, a woman, and the mother of a Down Syndrome baby...




  1. can't wait can't wait...Palin better check herself before she wrecks herself!

  2. She will be trout to the bears she is so done her speech last night was the same speech she gave when she was selected she is to shallow and she wants to go with that same ole mccain tactic that Obama is a celebrity I really don't know what Mcsame was thinking Yea I do he thought this campaign was like our economy a figment of our imagination  who cares if she has no experience who cares if her executive powers that were used are not even in comparison with the mayor of los angeles the republicans need help and they know it time to pull out all the stops

  3. Biden won't tear her apart - he will make her address real issues and ask her why she thinks God sent the troops to Iraq and stuff like that.  Then he we go after her spending and debts and flip flopping in Alaska.  I doubt highly he will attack her personally and she won't be able to practice for this one.

  4. Let's see how do I think Joe Biden, a long-time member of Congress who currently has a 9% approval rating, will do in a debate against a Governor with a 90%(+) approval rating.

    If it goes into issues and plans for the country and it's people, Palin will eat Biden alive.

    If it goes into mis-quotes by the media, especially ones that make it look like she claimed the Iraq war was an act form God when she did not say that, Biden may have a chance.  But I get the feeling Palin is strong enough to even fight off the main stream media.

  5. If she plays her cards right, Biden is toast.

    While people are talking about her lack of experience, she has transformed her state drastically for the better in the two years she has been governor.  She could bring up this and then ask Biden what he has done in the past 30 years to get the country on track.

    Experience is a mixture of time and accomplishments....if she focuses on the accomplishments that she has done in Alaska, then she nullifies the experience issue and makes Biden appear like a do-nothing politician more concerned with re-elections than solving the issues.

  6. She is so inexperienced, Biden will chew her up.  Just let her talk and her lack of experience will come out for all to see. It should be pretty entertaining.

  7. I'm just bummed I have to wait that long.  Since she came out throwing punches last night, using sarcasm and belittling Obama's accomplishments, I think the kid gloves are off.  Biden doesn't have to curb himself much now that she's thrown some jabs.

    I think it's sexist that he'd have to curb himself anyway just because she's a woman.  Um, Putin, Kim Jong Il, and the rest of the world aren't going to "be nice" to her if she becomes VP.

  8. I hope Biden crushes her.

  9. My thoughts are that after the debate, she'll pack her bags and go back to Alaska.

    I predict a tremendous azz whipping by Biden.

  10. As a former Democrat I have nothing against Biden but I feel he might come off as lack-luster against Palin...she has a certain cute charm that goes well with her rapier mind and sarcasm...and even so, my vote is with McCain, Palin just comes along with him...

  11. I can't wait to watch it actually.  I think Palin is going to win that debate.  She is tough and doesn't back down and she gets sh*t done!

  12. it'll be just like when she was miss alaska, she didn't win then and she won't win now expect to see biden set the rope out and watch her hang herself, all she did last night was bash obama, well what has she done except get rich off the lower and middleclass people by being ceo with her hubby, and jacking up oil prices, oh everyone is saying she's a good speaker well instead of talking about obama, maybe she should have tried talking about issues like education, healthcare, and oh yeah oil prices, this is just a way for mccain to drum up support for his unanamous defeat, but it is going to backfire, he should have stayed in the senate where he could be a bush puppet and ponder his 100 years to get the troops out, fu  bush, mccain, pallin, i have nothing against her personnally, but i dispise what she stands for and what the republicans are doingif mccain thinks putting a woman on his ticket is the right thing to do then he is more cenile than we think

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