
Your thoughts on this poem?

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Sitting on the moon

Counting the stars

I see god

A figure with no face

Just an outline

A dark figure with a grin

Watching him as he points his gun at me

It felt like being born again

Sitting perfectly still

As the universe around me spins

Dim colors begin taking shapes

Floating in front of my vision free

I'm looking at him,

Looking at me

This must be death

The joke God played on me




  1. holy crapoli- you are headed to somthing big, im a poet myself and might i say, your poem deff. impressed me

  2. it's very good. nice imagination. kinda scary in some way but it is definetely good (:

  3. I've definitely felt that way before. I really liked the wording you used to describe how you felt. I don't know if you've ever heard of this site before, but you should go to

    It's a great site for writers who want to have their work reviewed.

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