
Your thoughts on this??

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This was so horrible but I saw this new report recently about homeless minors in New York City. I can't remember the excact number of homeless minors but it was somewhere around a couple thousand. But the most horrible thing was that 70% of them are g**s who have been kicked out of their homes.




  1. that is child abuse in my opinion, maybe we can start a petition about this.  

  2. Anyone who brings a child into this world and then ditches that child because he or she doesn't live up to expectations is a terrible person. None of use chose to be born. If a parent is willing to abandon a child who doesn't see eye to eye with them then why have a child in the first place. It's not fair that innocent kids have to pay for the ignorance of their parents.

  3. It is sad, but it happens all the time. Its because of that that I am such a large supporter of Rainbow Youth. A organization that helps GLBT youth, a lot of which are homeless. They have offices around the US if anyone is interested in donating monetarily or items that may be needed.

  4. wtf is wrong with pple? i understand how stangers can hate others for their differences but its beyond understanding to me how parents could disown their own children...their own flesh n blood...just coz they'r different??!!! i hope those parents are happy with themselves...knowing that their kids are out on the street some where??!!

  5. That's so sad!

    If I were a millionaire I would totally help that shelter and build my housing places for LGBT teens in both NY and CA. Being thrown out like that when they're so young, automatically puts these kids at a horrible disadvantage.

    Parents who do that should be charged with a criminal act and thrown in jail.

  6. That is terrible.

    Why cant people accept others sexuality?

  7. awww thats bad people should support the way people wanna live thier life with or with out tha same s*x im bi n yes sum ppl gotta problem with but ppl except it if only ppl were like that to them

  8. Now I wanna kill the parents

  9. thats just wrong both the parts that thousands of minors and the 70% are g*y

  10. Yes It's sad. I saw a show on tv just the other day about a 18 year old living on the streets because he was kicked out.

    I've had too take in two of my friends for a while after they came out to their parents. Anyone who does that to their child is just horrible.

  11. Those parents totally need a course on open minds. How can they throw their CHILDREN out just because they are different, but no less normal?? And they are throwing those out who can't barely support themselves. I can't forgive those parents. Sad thing really...

  12. Yes, that is tragic. It stems from social ignorance and intolerance.

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