
Your thoughts on this trade??

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  1. If this was JUST Howard, I would almost say this was a fair deal. But as people have already noted they would NOT give up both Stack and Howard.

  2. The Dallas Mavericks are robbed in this trade. Ima Kings fan myself so this trade is great

  3. They wouldn't give  up Howard AND Stackhouse

  4. Mavs don't really wan't to get rid of Stackhouse. Kings don't really want to get rid of Francisco.

  5. Kings wont part with Cisco. Sorry.

  6. its alrite, sac. gets the better of the trade

  7. Not bad.

  8. nah ..dont like it..

  9. It's crazy. Giving up 2 guys of the Mavs' core. They've been together in the 2006 finals, 67 wins, 1st round upset, and 1st round loss to NOH. I don't really wanna have the Mavs part with any other core member anymore. And besides, Mavs will get a great, tough defender, (this is great) but it comes with a junkie who's paid like Kwame Brown. This trade is crazy.

  10. It's a good trade however the Mavs don't want to trade Howard and the Kings don't want to trade Garcia

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