Please - lets leave politics out of this, and not let it influence your answer. I'm interested in the views of people - feminist and otherwise.
What are your thoughts on a self proclaimed traditional woman who chooses an extremely demanding career, which requires an excessive amount of time away from home. At home, she has five children, including a pregnant 17 year old daughter and a 5 month old with downs' syndrome. She does not need to work for financial reasons - she is following her career choice with a view to helping the country.
My question is traditional can a woman like that be? Who will be taking care of her children during her inevitably busy schedule, taking her away from home? Who will be caring for the special needs of her infant child with special needs? Yes, there is a father at home, willing and able to help. But if you are self proclaiming your traditional status....where should your priorities be?
Again, folks, this is not a political question, but rather one about family and the status of the "traditional" woman.
Thanks, in advance, for your thoughts.....