
Your thoughts on this traditional woman...?

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Please - lets leave politics out of this, and not let it influence your answer. I'm interested in the views of people - feminist and otherwise.

What are your thoughts on a self proclaimed traditional woman who chooses an extremely demanding career, which requires an excessive amount of time away from home. At home, she has five children, including a pregnant 17 year old daughter and a 5 month old with downs' syndrome. She does not need to work for financial reasons - she is following her career choice with a view to helping the country.

My question is traditional can a woman like that be? Who will be taking care of her children during her inevitably busy schedule, taking her away from home? Who will be caring for the special needs of her infant child with special needs? Yes, there is a father at home, willing and able to help. But if you are self proclaiming your traditional status....where should your priorities be?

Again, folks, this is not a political question, but rather one about family and the status of the "traditional" woman.

Thanks, in advance, for your thoughts.....




  1.    You should stay out of that situation, or you  might wind up getting hurt by one or both ( not physically) . they need to fix the prob. between them .

  2. Yes.  In Backlash, by Susan Faludi, she details the careers of many so called 'traditional' ladies and whilst their politics and life decisions are their own choice, you really do have to question how traditional a woman can claim to be when, apart from her stated opinions, her life decisions are more akin to those of less traditional persuasions.

    On the other hand, and just to be fair.  Sometimes a sense of purpose will drive a person to act simply because they feel they have to, and even if it goes against all their other inclinations.  So if she really feels that she is giving very much needed help, she could still claim to be a 'traditional' lady who is acting out of necessity, rather than non-traditional instincts.  But I'd still say her behaviour wasn't traditional, even if her character was  :-)

  3. With a strong support system at home, this is doable. Like any other person with a family, arrangements are made so that the family is still cared for. One does not make it to Governor without some organizational skill.

  4. My opinion? She isn't living in a traditional manner at all. She's far more modern than traditional. Modern women place career on the same level with family, generally, seeking to follow their career choice and put the kids in daycare even if they can afford to stay home. Traditional women don't do the career thing even if they're trained to do so, choosing to be home with the kids instead.  

  5. When it comes to matters of judgement with respect to having children and choosing a career, it's very easy to critique others as an outsider.  Since my convictions may vary greatly from those of this woman, I don't think I'm in any position to judge.  I'm of the opinion, that attempting pregnancy over the age of 40 (especially 44) is a highly unwise decision as an infant with Down syndrome has much more complex medical problems than simply cosmetic or issues with intelligence, rather there is an extremely high incidence of endocardial cushion defect, lumbosacral osseous anomalies and so forth that are not readily visible.  The average lifespan of a patient with Trisomy at the 21st position is quite low, so I see this is a serious flaw in judgement.

    But with respect to familial matters and decision to pursue a career; so long as it's in accordance with what the couple decides and it's within the financial bounds of what the family can afford, it's really not for me to judge.

  6. I find it amusing that the feminist regulars are calling Palin a hypocrite  and saying that "she spews ugly rhetoric" as if female politicians should be above politics. I don't recall them criticizing Hillary before  losing the nomination. Let's face it, Palin scares the c**p out of feminists. She's a strong traditionalist working mother and wife who is pro-guns, pro-life, and she kicks butt. She makes feminists look like whiny messes.

    I'm a pro-choice democrat by the way.

    Hey feminists, traditionalist doesn't mean that a woman never leaves her home! Women have always worked and have always been a part of community decision-making, regardless of what you learned in Women's Studies.

    Traditionalist Woman = A woman who loves her children and family more than she loves her career. Non-Traditionalist Woman = A woman who puts her own selfish needs and career before her family.

  7. In MY opinion....that whole situation is wrong. While I understand a woman wanting to have a career and a life outside of motherhood, I do not understand a woman basically abandoning children who obviously need her around. This woman needs to prioritize. With a pregnant teen and a special needs child at home, her priorities should not be on her career, they should be on her children. If this woman didn't want to be a mother, she shouldn't have had children.

    Traditional or not....this woman is a bad mother, which is why her 17-year-old daughter is pregnant to begin with. Plain and simple.

  8. I don't see how she can describe herself as 'traditional' in the sense of adhering to the 'tradition' that the wife takes care of the family while the husband works outside the home.  

    She may be thinking of some other kind of tradition though, who can say?  

  9. Parents not being around for their children is a major problem, and usually it's caused by corporate America. When it's not, it's a faily selfish choice. If a woman is proclaiming traditional status, she probably shouldn't work more than 25 hours a week outside of the home, until the children are 6. There but for the grace of God go I, until someone makes a proclamation.

  10. I do research about political participation of women, and I interviewed this former female senator, who is from the conservative party, she said me that political participation it was good for women with out kids, and who doesn't want to have it, but not for women with kids because a family need the mom to take care of their children.

    I think in this way they only see a part, why a woman have to sacrifice?, don't the children have fathers too???

  11. Neo traditional!

    One working parent and one stay at home parent, sounds like a traditional household to me, just happens the genders are reversed from what we usually consider traditional

    despite what an overwhelming number of people on YA think, men can be just as loving and nuturing to thier children as women

  12. It doesn't sound traditional to me.

    Traditional for me, would be that she stays at home taking care of her kids and forgets about personal professional career.

    She sounds like a modern woman, one that follows her personal ambition, and because obviously she has help from her husband, she can have a family as well.

    I am sure she is making good money, so if the husband can't be at home, I am sure someone else is taking good care of them.

    Perhaps she defines herself as traditional because of her personal dynamics and ideas about her family, although in the outside it seems the complete opposite position.

    Edit: Oh now I see about whom you are talking about. Me,  not being from the USA, I absolutely wrote my opinion form a non-political point of view

  13. I would say she is a "do as I say, not as I do" hypocrite.

  14. When she says traditional, she means more along the lines of traditional values--pro-life, wait until marriage for s*x, religion, caring family, importance of family,etc.  Her VALUES are traditional.  That doesn't mean she has to be a SAHM.

    Bones is right-- her husband is going to stay at home and care for the children.  There is nothing wrong with this-- unless you believe fathers aren't capable of caring for children, in which case you'd be very wrong.  I'm amazed at how quickly you discount and discredit the father.  

    But to reverse the question, can a "traditional" man who stresses family values ever run for office?  Because by your own definition "where would his priorities be?"

    What amazes me more is how rampant the sexism is in these kinds of questions.  If a man where in her position (and one is considering Obama also has young children), no one would question his desire to run.  And yet if a woman does, suddenly her priorities must be in the wrong place.  What is wrong with this picture?

  15. I honestly share your opinion super, but in all fairness the husband did mention that he would be the SAHD if she wins office, so in all fairness she should be viewed as any man running for the same political position. BUT... this doesn't mean that I wouldn't think the same about a man... that maybe he/she has too much going on at home and that the level of attention this country needs could not possible be accomplished be a person with that much on their plate.

    I know you mentioned to leave politics out of this, but I think the Republicans have shown that they value the same ol' fundy values over foreign policy, the economy, or health care reform! I mean why would you choose someone with absolutely NO FOREIGN POLICY EXPERIENCE when we are on the brink of possible war with several countries (Russia & Israel) and our clout in the world is dwindling because we have for eight years been seen as the stubborn bully on the block...

    but heck she's a women that will win votes!  

  16. "Who will be taking care of her children during her inevitably busy schedule, taking her away from home? Who will be caring for the special needs of her infant child with special needs? "

    Their father.  He WAS involved with the children being born, right?

    "Yes, there is a father at home, willing and able to help"

    I love how people say "willing", as if taking care of your children is some kind of "choice" for men, as if it's not an obligation.  Pathetic.

    "But if you are self proclaiming your traditional status....where should your priorities be?"

    So...pursuing a career means that you don't see your children as a top priority?  Can women not accomplish more than one thing at a time?  If anything (politics aside) "this woman" is doing the ultimate in prioritizing; she's picked a career that will ensure (in her eyes) that her children live in the kind of world that she wants them to live in.  What's the big deal?

    EDIT: Iblockidiots:

    People are not saying that women should leave politics.  People are questioning the fact that she's says that she's a "traditional" woman, but yet she's choosing a political career.  That's why no one said that about Hilary.  Hilary never claimed to be a "traditional" woman (although, with a daughter nearing 30, what would be the point of her being a SAHM) I personally don't see why she can't do both,  but whatever.

  17. "Traditional" can mean a lot of things.  Most of the people here celebrate New Year's...that's traditional.  What tradition is she following?

  18. Eh, she's a politician. She's just trying to make everyone happy... the traditionalists by saying she's "one of them" and the feminists by showing she can work and be mommy/wifey at same time.

    I don't envy her.


  19. Palin isn't a traditional woman in that she isn't home a lot.  She also goes out and hunts moose, which seems a bit tom-boyish to me.  This makes me like her a bit more as a person, but it doesn't make me agree with her political views.

    Also, she has had five kids and didn't abort her son who had down syndrome; and is pressuring her daughter to marry because she is pregnant... that's pretty traditionalist.

  20. Although I am not a raging views are my own...I think it is hypocritical of us to be worrying about her "traditional role" as a wife and mother, unless you are also going to speak about Obama as a father and husband.

    I think, if a woman wants to have her career, she should.  She should not be kept from fulfilling her own desire to be more than a "helpmate" at home...if she feels this is good for herself and her family, why shouldn't she be "allowed" to be more than a Mommy?  It is ultimately a choice no one can make for another...some "traditions" are archaic...and should be put in "mothballs" along with not letting women vote, discrimination, "good 'ol boys" clubs, and the like.

  21. She's traditional about some things and progressive about others. Wowee.

  22. Her husband said that should she make office, he is going to be a stay at home dad.  So someone will be home with the little one.  Are you implying that a father cant watch and take care of a child even a disabled one as well as the mother?

    Doesn't line up with any of the traditional beliefs that i know....sounds like a feminist.  

    However, the "word" traditional in the political arena...means

    Small Government...large military...less day to day interaction from government in people lives.

    So in the political sense she is a traditionalist.

  23. My thoughts on Palin: traditional values, modern lifestyle.

  24. Sorry but I fail to see where she traditional.   She is not.  Most women also take more than 3 days to care a newborn, albeit a 'normal' one, let alone one with special needs.    

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