
Your thoughts on very vocal and/or opinionated anchors on CNN?

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Television anchors like Nancy Grace and several others make it very clear where they stand on stories and even get confrontational with guests and sources. What do you think? Is Nancy Grace, etc. considered a pundit? What about the fact that it's on CNN? Does it make a difference or matter? Is this spurring critical thinking or is it just "infotainment"? Does this influence the public; is that the role of the programs?

I don't have a strong opinion on this...I'd just like to see what people think about this new age in journalism.




  1. I take the word of the network that the legal program host was a lawyer at some point in her life.  I rarely watch CNN. But, oddly, I saw the discussion of the Atlanta "runaway bride."  Nancy Lawyer said:  "I know this is not a "runaway bride."   Well, with a few days the young lady was located at an Arizona bus stop!  She, uh, ran away. I have always felt the young woman was rational and an followed her heart to leave a marriage she did not want.  There is such an oversupply of lawyers in the U.S. that is a national joke.  CNN was the force in electing Bill Clinton. There was not a counterbalancing conservative advocate network until Fox launched.   Of course Fox is conservative; but, they really do not hide that fact. In spite of their "fair and balanced" slogan.  Most liberals view CNN as a middle of the road, objective news source.  O.K. that is their story.  Most liberals would see it CNN as just plain factual reporting.  So, we are divided once again.

  2. There are some exceptional reporters on CNN like Christiane Amanpour and Andersoon Cooper, but then there are others like Nancy Grace. I peronsally don't think she;s too much of a good reporter , as you rightly said , she highly judgemental , and irrational at time. And she can be rude to the people she interviews sometimes.

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