
Your thoughts...?

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Eddie Maguire wants to extend the season to 24 games.

He also said something about helping out the Kangaroos,but I did not get how 24 games will help.

Can someone explain this to me? thanks.




  1. Is that your final answer

  2. when he said helping out the kangaroos was he talking about a team or real kangaroos?  I know nothing about AFL so just wondering.....

  3. If Eddie offers to do ANYTHING for another team it most certainly would be a bigger plus for Collingwood. He is the most biased & one-eyed commentator; club president; TV presenter I have ever seen.

    Chris hit the nail on the head. Collingwood, have for years, received favourable treatment from the AFL for a number of reasons. They should do away with that Micky Mouse pre-season competition & increase the home & away games to enable all teams to play each other twice.

    Then see how teams, that now only have to travel interstate FOUR times a year go. But no the Victorian clubs would be crying foul if they had to compete on a more level playing field.

  4. Hi Cute,  Not sure when you find out the real answer let me know. Lol

    A Friend,


  5. I have to question Eddies motives, he usually deosn't do anything that won't end up benefiting Collingwood, don't get me wrong, it would be nice to have an 'Eddie' over here.

    But there's always a ? when Eddie has something up his sleeve.

  6. yeah i dont see how 24 games , i think 22 rounds is the way to go for sure

  7. thats absolutely fantastic,,,.,.,.lol

  8. Eddie McGuire and 15 other Club presidents are all mate's, all working together to help fill the AFL coffers.    They have Presidents lunchs before games where they invite their VIP guests,then make speech's and say nice things about each other .     The AFL sets the DRAW not COLLINGWOOD , and the nuf nuts and *** nongs who come in here and say they don't travel are simply uninformed.       Geelong were upset there request to play the pies TWICE at the G in 08 was rejected, especially as they are  the reigning premier.   That simply didn't happen for the cats, because the AFL has Collingwood drawn to play TWO away games in Sydney, a situation normally unheard of.         Eddie's idea of 2 extra games would be $ driven, with the funds raised distributed between the clubs with the lowest gate takings after 22 rounds , and thats how it will help the ROOS.

  9. Oh lay off Eddie ... he was also honestly helping the contestants to think when he was prattling on all the way through and 'just checking they were sure they have the right answer'.  

    He's a nice catholic boy from the struggling suburb of Collingwood, just like the traditional great club presidents.  Bet he got his big break taking his dear old great grandma in her wheelchair to the church bingo hall and getting drafted into calling the numbers.  Or at least that's how the biography will read.

  10. Big Head ED has some merit as far as extending the season, the ice hockey play 90 odd games, at the very least, the season should involve playing every one twice, it will never be fair until this is returned as it used to be, when there were 12 in the VFL. its un even, collingwood travel the least every year, they say it will even itself out but it never does, the same teams go interstate every year whilst c'wood get to stay home and stay fresh, wipe the NAB c**p and play 30 games.  then there is no favoritism in the draw year after year.  As far as the good humanitarian Eddie goes in helping North, he's offering to play 6 games on the Goldy, while North sort themselves out, GOD he is a good bloke. He wouldn't be doin it to get the jump on anyone else and to play his interstate games in one place, would he? no not 'Freddy Flintstone Eddie Boy'.  imagine that, 'we'll play 6 a year up there" they wouldn't go to Syd,Perth Adel, Shifty as a s**+% house rat......

  11. its too long unless the NAB Cup ends

    Can't explain it though
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