
Your trapped on a island

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there nothing there excpet you and one knife how do you survive for 2 years

no experiance




  1. use the knife to make a shelter and have food duh

  2. Depending on the resources the island has given me, I would use everything!

    Let's say it was a tropical island.

    I would study the landscape, habitat, trees and the fruits they bear, animals, water, etc. If there is no fresh water, you can drink the juice in green coconuts because it has not fermented into milk yet, and it's good for your body with plenty of nutrients. If the water is salt water, do not drink it! Collect rain water. When the coconuts are brown and hard, crack them open with your knife, or a sharp rock, and drink the insides. The coconut flesh is sweet and filling at this time.

    You can tie your knife to a stick with leaf and roots, and fish. After two years of this I'm guessing you'll get pretty good at it. You can make a trap with wood and roots......make a little bay by digging a hole into the sand where the water can go into, so that some fish might get caught in it and that would be a lot easier than fishing by stabbing your knife in the water.

    I would make shelter with wood and leaves and grasses and such deep into the forest, underneath a large tree.

    I would also hunt monkeys and birds (not too much though, and ration my food) for protein so my strength can survive. Things like fruit, leaves, plants, and sometimes nuts can be found. I would spend my whole day hunting and collecting food, because that is the second most important thing.

    You can also distill salt water, but it's kind of hard. Dig a big hole, and you need a large leaf, and a sunny spot. Put the water in a cup (which you can make with wood or whatever), and put the cup in a bigger cup, in the hole in the sand, and then put the leaf overtop and leave it. The water should evaporate until it hits the leaf and then rain back into the bigger cup, leaving the salt in the small cup. You'd have to do some trial and error for this....

    It would be fun but I would start missing being with people...

  3. I don't want to be trap on an island; but if I happen to be trap there, I doubt there will be nobody there.  

  4. If there is 'nothing' then you're dead.  It's that simple.  With no fresh water, animals, plants or shelter then you're a goner for certain.

  5. I would swim to the nearest island, kill all the dudes with the knife, party with the babes, and use the knife to kill pigs and squirrels to eat

  6. simple simple i would totally use my knife to catch food, cut down some trees and build a fort. then when i got back to the mainland i would tell oprah and ellen and the news about my shocking story and then become famous!

  7. I would use my knife blade to reflect the sun and flag down a rescue plane. I am way smarter than those guys on Gilligan's Island!

  8. i dont....i died on day 5 and used all my lives trying to get wilson out of the ocean :D j/k

  9. that sounds like a bummer

    is this the lost island cause then i would use my knife to kill a polar bear and then ride the smoke monster to the others submarine but there would be a lot of stuff that would happen in between those things and if you missed any of them you would have no idea whats going on

  10. I dont want to be trap on a island

  11. Well with a knife you can at least build a shelter and get food. All you need is water and you can live forever.

    Two years is a long time, you might start to talking to trees for company, but at least you will be alive.

  12. well first I would scout out the island, looking for an appropriate place to build a shelter, searching for potential threats, identifying plants that might be useful or edible, etc.  I would find a clean water source, and start searching for sturdy branches and large foliage with which to build a shelter.  I would build a shelter in the trees, and set to work creating weapons for self defense and hunting purposes.  I would dig a latrine far away from my water source.  I would search for bark and berries to use as writing materiaIs.  I would look for flint, sharp stones and a large flat stone on which to sharpen them.  I would sharpen sticks, and attach sharpened rocks to the end with which to hunt.  I would dig holes and put sharpened stakes at the bottom, and them cover them with leaves to catch larger animals.  I  would spear fish, and pole fish, using insects for bait.  I would devote an entire day to creating a fire, and collect brush to keep it going as a signal and as a way to cook food.  After I had learned the island, I would store up food for times of hardship.  I would survive.

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