
Your view on Britain?

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Curious is all, and if it is bad can you tell me why?





  1. After we'd matured somewhat - they've been the best ally one could ever ask for. I hope it doesn't' ever change.

  2. Listen to Borat, he knows...NOT!

    Yeah America did a great job in WWII. Infact you do really well in all your wars. Gulf wars especially....NNOOOOOOTTT

  3. I love Britain, London, the English sense of humor, the history, the diversity of people, the style, the shopping, the food, but hate the exchange rate on our dollar(expensive).

    Although, we might speak approximately the same language,for me living there is as foreign as foreign can be.

  4. I think the are all wizards like harry potter  

  5. A country I love only slightly less than my own, I fear for England.

  6. I like the Brits, well most of them. Well back in the day the US and GBR got into a little bit the whole revolutionary war and 1812 thing, yeah we put that behinde us, now were good pals. We help you in conflicts and you help us. Big Eddie Izzard fan. I like england and i will be there in 2012 for the olympics. So whats your view on the US then  

  7. The UK is our (USA) very best friend.  We can count on them anytime we need them and vice versa.  I never met a Brit in a pub that I didn't like.  Unlike France, the British have a back bone.

  8. britain has a great military and educational system and a load of history, but ur government is terrible. it is controlled by liberal socialists. plus u guys have gotten a little soft but other than that u guys r cool :)

  9. If the USA hadn't interfered, Britain would have been slaughtered by the German war tacticians. The Germans had brilliant war strategies.

    EDIT: Nope. If it would've been just Germany vs Britain, n**i Germany would've CRUSHED the little island.

  10. Visited there twice and loved it.  Different culture than the US, most people not as outgoing as we are, my ex mother-in-law thought that we Americans were a bit loud at times and should be more proper.  It's a great place, much more expensive to live however than the US, especially housing.

  11. I always wanted to visit Great Britain. A sophisticated, traditional, and lavish country. That's where we came from - if I'm not mistaken. Even the flag is popular...punk rock, Beatles, and Mini coopers. Believe me, America caught on and has been hooked for a while now. Britain still has a monarch....oddly enough, that would be cool to have in America. John F and Jackie Kennedy were the closest to King and Queen we've had in a long time lol. I have nothing but great things to say....... good evening!
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