I'd like to see what your different takes are on the event of a man striking a woman, versus a woman hitting a man?
It is obvious that a man hitting a woman, for any reason, at any time, is uncalled for, VERY wrong, disgraceful, and in a marriage can result in a domestic assault charge.
However, if a woman hits a man, usually no matter what happened, the guy is seen as deserving of it, the guy must never respond violently, and it is usually never reported as an assault.
How did society create this different view on striking someone of the opposite s*x, especially with all that women have fought for with equality? Why do you think men are seen as undeserving of as much respect?
I am NOT saying in anyway that I disagree with how this is viewed, as I think hitting a woman is one of the lowest things a man could do.
This is simply my interest in how it is viewed on both sides, what is "acceptable", and why they are so different?