
Your way of exercsing your intuition?

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Your way of exercsing your intuition?




  1. meditation styles like zazen can help u clear your mind and let your intuitionj flow

  2. One good way is to do many things you would not normally do because you will have no expectations on what will happen and this is when your intuition becomes active.  

  3. Well I am the sort of person who looses everything.  So when I loose something that I need at that time I let my intuition guide me.  It always points the way and Ill find whatever I need in just a few second.  It truely works.  I also like to use it when driving.  If going somewhere ive never been I like to listen to it when turning on different streets but the thing is I can know that the house is going to be on this or this side of the street or if were near it but I am not able to know which is the house.  Those are just two of my favorite ways that I use.

  4. The best way is to listen to them. It is like a muscle the more you use it the stronger it will get.

  5. try the affirmation;

    i will to will thy will.

    this can help in many areas in life.

  6. try spin wont care why you did it just the fact you lived thru it would be satisfaction enough.

  7. If it sounds too Good to be True, then it is a scam.

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