Question: is this company for real?

by  |  earlier

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Hello I signed up with them in june 2008. and my support officer is claire henderson with she told me that I should get work in two weeks and that I was the 3rd one on the list to get work. has anyone gotten any work yet?




  1. Hi I signed up with them in july 2008. Also my support officer is claire henderson with she told me that I should get work in two weeks and that I was the 3rd one on the list to get work. I asked her if she was a scam because in such a "big company" how come there are no phone numbers.

    I also told her I read all the people complaining on internet? She told me to be patient.

    Has someone got any jobs yet?

  2. A quick Google search shows that an awful lot of people seem to be 3rd in line on 'Claire Hendersons' work list.

    Below is a post from a fraud forum, which unfortunately does have the ring of truth about it (link to original attached). You may wish to look at this site yourselves. I hope this guy is wrong and that you get the work you are after, but personally I have my doubts.


    ".... Any company or institution serious about stopping spam is going to have a decent spam filtering program, possibly hardware, as well, and that program will allow users to report any spam that gets through, to help improve identification in the future.

    No company or institution in its right mind is going to hire people to sort through employee mail manually to find spam. There are way too many privacy and legal issues involved. For example, would you trust a total stranger to open all your personal postal mail in order to sort out the junk mail for you? Of course not.....

    This is a straight out employment scam."


    Back to me.....

    Ref the above, one of our IT guys at work told me once that our London office gets around 600 spam emails a day per employee, that's a total of about 750,000 a day. Not one reaches my (or anyone else I know) desk, never has.... the spam filter does the job just fine.

    Using mailmate at their advertised price of 10p per mail, that would cost 75,000 pounds a day!! Just on spam email... that's not including the legit ones...

    No way would we EVER employ someone to go through that lot and I think we're fairly typical.

    Giving any outsider access to our emails systems would also be a breach of the UK's Data Protection Act. Have you all signed a copy of that Act ? Been trained in it ? No? I thought not. In which case I doubt any UK (or EU for that matter) company would be legally allowed to use you guys.

    Charging someone to find them work is I'm also illegal in the UK, I know they 'promise' to refund you the money, but still..... 'they charge it because if someone drops out they have to find cover in a hurry and that costs' ... yet they have a queue of people waiting for work.... seem odd ?

    Very iffy office address on the website (solictors office).. No phone numbers...

    No VAT number.... no registered company number....what company is going to use a service like that ?

    Sorry guys but it stinks...

    Hope I'm wrong and good luck

  3. Look, in my opinion this is a waiting game, where I really hope we ( people who signed up ) win.  So far I havent found anyone who already started to work  with yourmailmate, I just found people who singned up. Claire is also my support officer. Lets wait until the first week of august , it's when I think things will be resolved.

  4. If something doesn't feel right then it's probably a scam,I've never heard of them.Have you tried looking them up on Google?

  5. Hi April. My name is Charissa. I'm also waiting for Work

    from Yourmailmate. Claire is also my Support officer.

    She told me I will have work August 4th, 2008. She

    suppose to email me with more info on the job on August


    I have doubts about this job. but if on August 4th I realize

    it is a scam I will let you know via Email. I requested to

    be paid after each shift (which is the next day) if i don't

    get any pay in my Paypal Account around August 5th or

    6th, I will let you know this is a Scam. Claire seem

    honest but i will see on August 4 - 6, if they are legit

  6. I'm going to stick my neck out and say that I think it's legit. I must have sent Claire 6-7 emails after I signed up and always got a polite response. Remember this is after they have got my money, I don't see the profit there. I see 1 or 2 people have sent rather hostile emails and yet been responded to. If I was running a scam and already had your money I wouldn't bother replying I,d just trash them. Also, I think people are deluding hemselves if they think it,s going to be for some regular company. It's going to be for companies on the 'dark' side of the web. I'm supposed to be starting on a gambling site but I think it's likely the work is going to be for p**n sites where its going to be much harder to filter junk from explicit customer inquiries about products etc. Also I found that the site was receiving visitors in Dec 2007(you can find visitor stats if you look hard enough) It seems very unlikely that we are the first people to sign up yet I can't find any 'this is definitly a scam I didn't get work' type of thing and I looked at loads of scam forums. Also, I think the work is going to be harder than it looks. If you try physically sending each email either back to the inbox or to junk on an unfamiliar account it is harder and takes a lot longer than you think!

    So, I remain hopeful, until Im proved otherwise.

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