
Youth violence...?

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what are the causes of it?




  1. It is obviously the parents fault, not enough discipline, too much easy living, take TV's away, all of there luxuries (dn't know if i spelt that right) and tell them they can earn it back by not being a little d**k. The mothers and Fathers need to be able to control their child, not let them run riot.

  2. my dear friend, listen. who is youth? He is after all a product from our society. What are the moral standards of our present day society? and what is a society? It is a group of family s. Each family have a parent hood. that is father and mother. Read the Ten commandments of Lord Jesus. Lord says to worship parents. it is the 6th commandment. Parents are threshold for their new arrival on this earth. Children should express great dedication and loyalty towards their parents since it is the father who provides protection, requisites and bring the baby to the social standards of the society while mother bears the baby in her womb for ten months against all afflictions. Mother is first master to the baby in the art of warding, while father is the Art of man making. Every mother plays a vital role in inducing a cultural trait, the elderly respect in their children. Please know one thing: children will grasp and build up their career from the circumstances and surroundings in which they live. If it is charged with morale, ethical, devotional and spiritual values, it influence children's mind and help them to grow with the same tendencies. For this reason elders say, parents should exercise utmost endurance, dignity, and compatibility in their domestic relations. Home is the first learning school for the baby. Therefore, if parents are quarrelsome and immoral children will acquire similar attitude and create h**l in their house and also cause a big burden to the society. To build up a strong and healthy society with high cultural values,where the nature of violence you mentioned does not exist, parents role is laudable. If they derail from their role of accountability, not only children loose their respect but degeneration also takes place in the society, which finally leads to such uncontrollable situations you have mentioned. Therefore, parents should always compare and verify their relationship with children. It should be caring, cordial, tender and amiable. At the same time it should be obligatory on the part of their children. I have seen in some houses parents let loose their children on their own track. It is harmful. Affection and discipline have to go hand in hand. There are so many reasons behind such dispositions. But the major is lack of discipline from child hood with loving care. I think to some extent I answered you.

  3. main stream media and parents....children spend a lot of time watching TV and parents are not parents any more.


    Kids are following their role models. Rappers, who get in fights in shootings all the time. The Disney stars who are taking nude pictures of themselves and drink driving.

    Blame the media for putting a focus on people who should be ignored.

  5. Hormones, peer pressure, and stupidity!

  6. My opinion - mine only - is that the causes of youth violence are multiple.

    1. When you see violence in the home it is a learned behavior.  It becomes normal.

    2. When young people have no way of moving graefully into adulthood, the bash thier way in.  We have no sociatal rites of passage.

    3.  the "Me Generation" has raise a bunch of kids that have no guidelines to follow and make their own rules .. badly.

    4.  Teen angst with no contructive outlet will almost always lead to violence.  Where are the youth centers?  Oh yeah - they lost their funding.

    5. Media influences have taught of kids that it's cool to gang bang and "Bring it".  This mind set does not set an example of acceptable social behavior.  None of these skills will lead to a successful adulthood.

    6. The lack of opportunity to progress through poor educational systems and then into dead-end jobs that will not pay the bills leads to a general disenchantment with doing things "the right way".  No payoff for being a nice person.

    7. Poverty.  Poor nutrition, lack of skills, poor to non-existant coping mehanisms, lack of parental guidance (Mom has to work 2 jobs & Dad is missing)  This is a recipe for violence.

    Yup, that should about cover it.

  7. Our justice system allows children to act like animals and hide behind the law. If a child acts like an ignorant fool, nothing happens, but if someone slaps him for acting like an ignorant fool, it's big deal.

    Kids know they can hide behind these laws, and abuse it.
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