
Youtube. I want to get a Youtube account to upload my videos but not so other people can watch them but just ?

by Guest65806  |  earlier

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so I can save my work in a different way rather than being on my computer. If I upload a video do I have to still keep it on my computer's memory? Also, if no one views my video or just a few people will it be removed or does that not matter? My main reason for using Youtube is to preserve some of my videos without wasting my computer's memory. Can I do this?




  1. when you can upload videos you can choose privacy settings and i know you can make it so only your friends can watch them, and i'm pretty sure you can make it so that only you can.  

  2. You do not need the video in your computer. And the video is not removed unless if the uploader removes it or it is removed for inappropriate content. Your idea will work, you can always redownload the video from youtube later.

  3. They won't delete your video just for not getting any views. I have a video on Youtube which I deleted off of my computer, so no. But if you try to upload it somewhere else, you'll have to get it on Youtube and redownload it again. And you can keep it private. Once you upload the videos it'll show your options and such. Private means you can chose who can see it, including no one. So yes, you can. You can also disable comments and ratings and such.

  4. first of all why don't you wanna waste any of your computer's has like 500 gigabites!

  5. Just make the videos private.

  6. im not sure if you can do that but there is a way to set it as private, but can only be viewable by up to 25 people

    so if you want nobody to see them just watch or click on the video 25 times and there you go,nobody else can watch them

    if you want to do this all you do is

    1. upload the video

    2. go to Broadcasting and Sharing Options (Its under EDIT)

    3. go to PRIVACY

    4. choose Private (Viewable by up to 25 people)


    hope i helped!

  7. I actually laughed when i read the title but  yeah i don't think you can sorry hun =S

    Livvy x

  8. two words- FLASH -DRIVE

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