
Youtube help please! closest answer gets best answer?

by  |  earlier

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Im trying to send this link

to another user on youtube on their personal messages section. But then I go to my sent items and half of the link is cut off meaning the link that I sent will not be working. What do I do? I have correctly cut and pasted the right link.

AND JUST ANSWER THE d**n QUESTION the last thing I want is to get into a debate about 911




  1. send them to I just redirected it for you. I'll leave it up there for a few weeks ok.

  2. I just tried it by sending the link to myself, it got cut off but the second half of the link was just on the next line.

  3. just send it to them and get them to copy and paste the url into their adress bar...

  4. use tiny url here:

    just type your link and create a shorter one.

    Have a nice day

  5. i dont happen to hav come accross a problem like that but still u should try to write the link down urself esides copying it and if that doesnt cuz u got a long link   then i happen to hav a technique but it might take some time just register with and create a blog and only write the link in the blog then try to the blog's link to the other user

  6. just, like...ask them for their email and email it to them or something i guess

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