
Youtube...just wondering?

by  |  earlier

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How many of the regular answerers on here also post skating videos on Youtube?




  1. ur mind is kindda special..h**l no! i've never done skating..So i dont post..videoz on u tube...but i've posted other like going in an Autorickshaw

  2. Not me although i do wish i could skate i have two but never use them.

  3. I haven't skated in nearly 4 years, so I wouldn't have anything to post up - wink!!  However, I do go there and have made comments on other people's skating videos (I'm not one of the mean ones - I make kind comments)   :)

  4. I wish! i already have an account that i'll use to post skating videos. i will when i start! that's the main reason why i got a camera for christmas lol :) and i'll post vidoes of me practicing from my first lesson. i got inspired to this from  and from ok yep so i will when i start and this is the account i made for it, and read the profile please?  add me to friends please?

  5. havent

  6. i have

  7. what do you mean?

    You'd have to do a poll...but still will not get an accurate answer.


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