
You`ve found a better job what will you say in your resignation letter briefly?

by  |  earlier

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You are glad to leave as the fellow workers were miseries and the pay was rubbish. You need to give one months notice but are only giving a week. not chatting this can be of assistance.




  1. Take that job and shove it

  2. done that in a way took my vacation got a new job

    work a few week call the old one and said i quit

       they said you can,t do that i said i just did.

  3. you don't need to give your reasons for leaving unless they ask you in a leaving interview - but then only do it verbally and not written.

    All your letter of resignation needs to say is...


    I am writing to give you notice of my resignation from XYZ company.

    My last working day will be...

    Yours Sincerely


    Hope this helps!

  4. tell it how it is, i have found a better place with a friendlier work force the pay is better

    regards x kitti x  

  5. Goodbye,and thanks for all the fish.I would say it's been a pleasure,but i'd be lying!

  6. Please except my letter of resignation --due to recent price gouges I have had no other choice but to accept a promise for higher income. I regret to inform you that I will be resigning from my position in a week. In the future a comment box could be used more efficiently if we didn't have bubble gum wrappers in it.  

  7. Goodbye -- and GOOD RIDDANCE!!!!!

  8. "its been great, go f**k yourselves..."

    Nah, i write a good resignation letter actually, i always say thank you, and say what a pleasure its been. Gotta remember to be nice so you get a good reference!

  9. You dont need to give a reason. You will have to expect that your wage will be witheld for the time you are not giving notice for, and you may be made to stick to that, however you can go off sick and they can hardly sack you. Even if they insist on an 'exit interview' you can say my reasons are personal. or you can tell them the people and the pay stink.

  10. I've Got a better job, you can keep this one.!!!

  11. I would just sing this hope you enjoy?

  12. Good Luck! It will be hard for you without me.


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  13. You do what the answerer's "Bill" and "letum haveit" tell you. Any other approach makes you future cannon fodder and having a reputation as a disgruntled employee that no one will hire.

  14. Something along the lines of:

    Dear 'slave driver',

    I'm informing you of my intention to resign with one weeks notice. I have come to the conclusion that this job is narrowing my horizons, taking over my life, slowly killing me and generally making my life stagnant. I do not appreciate the way in which you have taken advantage of me and my colleagues, speak to us like we are idiotic children and make us work far beyond the means of what is healthy for any individual. The office 'banter' is soul destroying and I feel like I'm back in playschool. I have served my time and now wish to be released from the shackles of this h**l hole.

    Yours sincerely

    Little Monkey

    God, if only I could....!! : )

  15. Two weeks is the general rule of thumb. Always put a positive spin on it, but don't make it sound ludicrous.

    Dear (boss' name),

    Thank you for the opportunity of working here. I have acquired these skills (list them) and have learned more about human nature (list a few positive insights). I have given my best and am leaving here confident I have contributed in a positive way (list how you positively contributed to the work environment, projects, etc.).


    (your name)

    Does this help?

  16. Job boring, spent most of my time on YA anyway, John is a chinless pr*ck, Mary is so fat because she steals food from the fridge, Gary is so thick he couldn't find his own @rse with both hands and a map.


    P.S at least one of your children looks nothing like you.

  17. Hi! Ahhh... talk about your "dream-situations"...

    To Whom:

    It is with absolutely NO regret what-so-ever that I inform you of

    my impending departure.

    It will be approximately 3 weeks sooner than dictated by

    your "policy"... BUT! as your "policy" has been of no service

    to me in the past, I take this opportunity to return the favor.


    Effective  - - -  I QUIT.

    No further notice will be forthcoming.   : )

    Very sincerely yours... (for one more week only),


    Personally I favor a friend of mine's notice:

    "Bite me."

    ... left where they would look, when she failed to call in...   }:>

    -Attention Yahoo! -

    THIS is my OFFICIAL! answer to the question, and should IN NO WAY! ... be construed as "chatting".

  18.   "Take this job and shove it!"  I ain't working here no more."

  19. I would advise to never burn your bridges. Although you don't think much of them, they might think very highly of you and perhaps at some future date, that could prove useful.

  20. So long suckas!

    Oh I mean.....that I regret to inform you that I will no longer be available to toil here in the future....



  21. Don't mention either.  Be professional.

    Dear _______,

    With regret, I hereby tender my resignation effective ______.  Please accept my apologies for the short notice; it is necessary due to personal circumstances.

    I am grateful for the opportunities you have extended to me during my employment here, and hope your memories of my tenure will be as fond as are mine.

    Very truly yours,

    Shanqeua Doe

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