
Yoyo Blood Sugar Question?

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I am a type 2 diabetic. And recently started take insulin to control my sugar. Today my sugar went down to 40 and I felt horrible. This is my first time experiencing low blood sugar. I got scared and ate some chocolate to bring it up... But then continued to eat a high carb meal frightened that my sugar wouldn't come up fast enough.

Now I am over 300. Should I take some insulin to lower it a bit? I am just scared to drop so low again... And I think the yo yo sugar levels might be worse for me than having high levels until my bedtime dosage.




  1. Are you on sliding scale? what kind of insulin did you take that brought it down to 40? If you're on sliding scale, then yes, follow that direction from your doc. It takes some time to get used to using insulin, so you will need to be extra vigilant in monitoring your blood sugar until you get the hang of it.

    Next time, some sugar is good to bring it back up, but then you have to follow with some non-carb food (protein/fat) in moderation.

    Don't hesitate to call your doctor's office either... you can get some decent general advice here, but it's not the same as advice from a professional who knows your case specifically.

    Best of luck!

  2. You should never take insulin under anyone's direction but your physician's, so don't be taking medication based on any of these responses.  I might add that it is illegal for any of these people to be telling you to take insulin, as that is practicing medicine without a license.  In the future, instead of eating chocolate and all of those other carbs, a glass of milk with a sandwich would be a good choice.  Knowing that it is hard to construct a sandwich with a glucose of 40, try keeping some sliced cheese or yogurt in the fridge.  This gives you the protein, fat, and carbs needed to raise your glucose reasonably, and keep it up at the acceptable level.  It is awfully close to your bedtime dose to be taking additional insulin, so I would wait until bedtime and take the amount your doctor prescribed for whatever your reading is at that time.  And you are also correct that the yoyoing is worse than it being mildly elevated.  The Diabetes Control and Complications study done over a decade ago proved that.  This diabetes is a trial and error type scenario.  Patience is the key.

         And David M is completely wrong.  Ignore what he has said.  I love how people think they know everything about a disease just because they have it.  Lots of Ty0pe II diabetics end up taking insulin.  If this is what your doctor feels you need, listen to him.

  3. You did the right thing by eating the chocolate, but you should have stopped there.

    What you experienced was a condition know as HYPOGLYCEMIA - low blood sugar. And Yes, it feels horrible.  But this is the most prevalent drawback of taking insulin.

    So most insulin-dependent diabetic (like you) need to carry something with them, little hard SUGAR (NOT sugar free) candies, like butterscotch or "Lemonheads".  IF you get a hypoglycemic attack, eat 3-4 of these candies.

    Your blood sugar will come back in about 5-15 minutes.  If it does not you need medical help. CALL 911!

    If you are at home, try orange juice, 2 cookies, a small cup of yogurt, or even 1/2 a candy bar or 1/2 a REGULAR cola..  At this point, it is MORE important that you get your sugar UP.

    Even temporarily too high is better than way too low.  As you probably low, it feels bad, and you behave even worse -- almost like being drunk. But if that sugar falls too low (and MAN, you were close . . .) you could faint, go into a coma, and die.

    Yes, take a LITTLE insulin now to drop those readings back to normal.

    In order to avoid this happening again, you MUST follow your diet. DO NOT skip meals, and eat EVERYTHING you are allowed.  Your doctor will be adjusting you insulin amount to bettter fit you diet, exercise, and general lifestyle.  So TELL HIM about this.  Call him tomorrow -- he may want to adjust the dosage even now.

    But keep those sugar candies in you car and in your desk at work, or carry them with you at school.

    ALSO: Buy one of those Diabetic bracelets or dog tags.  IF you should pass out (or be in an accident) this tells emergency personnel that your are SICK and need medical attention.  They will know what to do -- they carry glucose tablets, drinks, and IV's with them for just this emergency.

    AND tell your friends so that if you should "get weird" while your with them, they will help guide you towards getting your blood sugars back up.

    Tough job.  It will take some training.  But I think you've had an experience that you will not soon forget, and the next time you will "feel it coming" before you get so low, and be better able to care for yourself.  Follow your diet and medication plan, and this may well not happen again . . . .

    Good Luck!

  4. First of all why are you taking insulin for type 2 diabetes? Metformin should be your medicine. Sugar should be 70 - 104 and your good. Ok my little trick is when you spike up aI take a 4 finger high glass of vinegar any kind and get ready to pucker up it will bring it down throw down a slice of garlic and no bread processed meat of any kind. No carbs at all. If you are on insulin you have type 1  and I personally do not know anyone who has type 2 and takes insulin. Also do not do any exercise or strenuous work at that high number. Keep checking your blood pressure as well as your blood sugar.

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