
Yr 9 advanced english- how do i get better??

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okay well im coming around 28th in my year but ill probs be going down a class next year coz im on the border of the top and 2nd class. and i dont really want to do that so i need help on pretty much everything in english. mainly creative writning but also comprehisensions and EVERYTHING ELSE.

so if anybody can give me any websites or books recomemndations or tips on anything to do with english for a yr 9 kid tell me . PLEASE.




  1. you may need a tutor.

  2. A very great and very short book on writing very, very well but with plain and simple words:  Old Man and the Sea by Earnest Hemmingway.  

  3. A tutor will be a great help.

    If comprehension is an issue, it may be a matter of vocabulary (or not). If the problem is vocabulary there are a number of books  available for vocabulary building.  If it's not vocabulary, there may be an issue with your reading skills, or some kind of cognitive problem--for example, I have ADD, and have had to develop adaptive strategies to improve my reading comprehension.

    Reading reading reading is very valuable.  Not Hemingway; he's great, but it you want to expand your vocabulary, you want more challenging reading.  Go with writers like Faulkner, Salman Rushdie, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Margaret Fuller.  Heady stuff. Read lots of Shakespeare.  Shakespeare is brilliant, and the more you get comfortable with his language, the more fun he is to read.  Shakespeare was a very funny man.

    There is very little we can do in this forum unless you ask a lot more questions.  If you cannot afford a private tutor, talk to creative writing teachers in your school. They will be delighted to help you identify your specific weakness areas and recommend practices to help you build them up.  This will be your best bet with the creative writing issues.

  4. read To Kill a Mockingbird, 1984, and other books renowned as classics.

    Then go onto sites like Sparknotes (try this but navigate to main page ) and look at some essay questions, then try and do 'em.

    Should work.

    Also, for CR8V WRT maybe just get a friend or family member to write down a string of completely unrelated sentences, and even a topic, and then try and write a story on that topic in, say 45 minutes, or start out by giving yourself 60 mins, then work your way down to say 40 in a few weeks time (after doing some practice)

    then maybe get a teacher to read the final product - if its not too embarassing.

    eventually you might do well in the SC - like i did in eng - band 6.

    alas, i'm not doing well at all, two years on, in the one that really matters...wish me luck for oct 17 - the day of the creative writing and other tasks

  5. hmmmm just go and join in some spoken English................class......... try to speak English more with frnds......and learn unknown word and meaning from net or from dictionary....... it will help u more better.good luck.try hard okie

  6. Spend more time on Y!A. Everybody is a scholar here.

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