I'm starting a Charmers deck and when I get the rest of the Charmers cards, I found out it wouldn't be enough to be a deck, so I'm asking if anyone has any other suggestions on cards I should add to it?
Heres what I've got so far...
Wynn The Wind Charmer
Eria The Water Charmer
Storming Wynn
Familiar-Possessed - Aussa
Familiar-Possessed - Hiita
Familiar-Possessed - Eria
Element Valkyrie
Element Saurus
Raging Flame Sprite
Magical Dimension
Book Of Secret Arts
Spiritual Wind Art - Miyabi
Heres the Charmers cards I'm gonna get in the future...
Aussa the Earth Charmer
Hiita the Fire Charmer
Daraku the Dark Charmer (If it's real, which I don't know)
Avalanching Aussa
Blazing Hiita
Raging Eria
Familiar-Possessed - Wynn
Spiritual Earth Art - Kurogane
Spiritual Fire Art - Kurenai
Spiritual Water Art - Aoi
Dark Spirit Art - Greed
Also If there are other Charmer cards that I didn't list, please tell me what they are.