
Yu-Gi-Oh Charmers Deck Advice?

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I'm starting a Charmers deck and when I get the rest of the Charmers cards, I found out it wouldn't be enough to be a deck, so I'm asking if anyone has any other suggestions on cards I should add to it?

Heres what I've got so far...


Wynn The Wind Charmer

Eria The Water Charmer

Storming Wynn

Familiar-Possessed - Aussa

Familiar-Possessed - Hiita

Familiar-Possessed - Eria


Element Valkyrie

Element Saurus

Raging Flame Sprite


Magical Dimension

Book Of Secret Arts



Spiritual Wind Art - Miyabi

Heres the Charmers cards I'm gonna get in the future...


Aussa the Earth Charmer

Hiita the Fire Charmer

Daraku the Dark Charmer (If it's real, which I don't know)

Avalanching Aussa

Blazing Hiita

Raging Eria

Familiar-Possessed - Wynn


Spiritual Earth Art - Kurogane

Spiritual Fire Art - Kurenai

Spiritual Water Art - Aoi

Dark Spirit Art - Greed

Also If there are other Charmer cards that I didn't list, please tell me what they are.





  1. Yes Daraku is a real charmer. He is the only male charmer thus far, and can take control of a DARK monster.

    The card Prince of Darkness mentioned is named 'Elemental Mistress Doriado.' Her attribute is also treated as FIRE, WIND, WATER and EARTH, but she CANNOT be used as a full tribute to Elemental Burst.

    The charmer's adult forms (Avalanching, Raging, Blazing and Storming), aren't the most powerful, so exclude them in place of more Familiars.

    Monsters: 21

    1 Gigantes

    2 Familiar Possessed - Aussa

    2 Familiar Possessed - Eria

    2 Familiar Possessed - Hiita

    2 Familiar Possessed - Wynn

    2 Homunculus the Alchemic Being

    1 Silpheed

    2 Element Doom

    2 Element Saurus

    1 Aussa the Earth Charmer

    1 Eria the Water Charmer

    1 Hiita the Fire Charmer

    1 Wynn the Wind Charmer

    1 Daraku the Dark Charmer

    Spells: 11

    2 Magical Dimension

    2 Lightning Vortex

    1 Smashing Ground

    1 Heavy Storm

    1 Mystical Space Typhoon

    1 Monster Reborn

    1 Enemy Controller

    2 Shrink

    Traps: 9

    1 Spiritual Earth Art - Kurogane

    1 Spiritual Water Art - Aoi

    1 Spiritual Fire Art - Kurenai

    1 Spiritual Wind Art - Miyabi

    2 Bottomless Trap Hole

    2 Sakuretsu Armor

    1 Torrential Tribute

    Total: 41 cards

    The Spiritual Dark Art is too easy to block, running multiple Familar Possessed will make it stronger, but you will still need your spell/trap cards to support them.

    Homuculus the Alchemic Being, can be changed to any attribute once per turn. If you have a charmer in play, you can modify his attrbute and then special summon a Familiar with her trample effect.

    Feel free to email me if you have any questions about the decklist.

  2. most of the cards are real......(dont know about the dark charmer)

    find some cards on to look for some more cards to help ur charmer deck

    more like a elemental spellcatser deck

    if i was u, add these traps and ritual monster in that deck

    Elemetal Burst:

    Tribute one of Water, Earth, Wind And Fire from the field to the graveyard to destroy the whole field

    *the second  trap I forgot the name and the effect*

    the ritual monster

    its a spellcatser/light/ 4 stars 1400 atk/ 1200 def

    Its also counts as a water, earth, wind and fire!

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