
Yu-Gi-Oh New Deck Type!?

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Do you think this deck will work? It basically works like perfect Circle except Destiny Heros are replaced with Six Samurai especially since Grandmaster makes a very easy tribute.

But anyway here we go!

Monsters 21

1x Neo-Spacian Grand Mole

1x Jinzo

1x D. D. Warrior Lady

1x Light and Darkness Dragon

2x Cyber Dragon

3x The Six Samurai - Yaichi

3x The Six Samurai - Irou

3x The Six Samurai - Zanji

3x Grandmaster of the Six Samurai

3x Caius the Shadow Monarch

Spells: 11

1x Fires of Doomsday

1x Monster Reborn

1x Brain Control

1x Heavy Storm

1x Nobleman of Crossout

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Smashing Ground

2x Reinforcement of the Army

2x My Body as a Shield

Traps: 8

1x Mirror Force

3x Sakuretsu Armor

1x The Transmigration Prophecy

1x Torrential Tribute

2x Solemn Judgment

Please rate or fix and tell me what you think of my new idea. All necessary remarks are fine.

Will this deck be good or not? Why? Be honest.





  1. i hate when people splash cyber dragons in any deck they can possibly make...

  2. unfortunately its not a new deck type to me there is about 2 like this in christchurch they perform pretty welll each week but to make your better make it EXACTLY LIKE THIS:

    3 grandmaster

    3 s.s zanji

    2 cyber dragon or 2 the immortal bushi!!!!

    3 shogun

    2 s.s irou

    3 s.s yaichi

    1 s.s kamon

    2 kuraz the light monarch

    3 six samurai united

    2 spells of your choice!

    1 monster reborn

    1 premature burial

    1 brain control

    1 heavy storm

    1 smashing ground or soul taker

    2 rota

    3 reasoning

    3 bottomless trap hole (a must now in nz)

    1 tt

    2 solemn judgement (if you can get them)

    2 pwwb

    now the deck can run reasonings so its faster i would probably even get tyhis deck a 10/10 but i like it so much i might build one (lol)

    awesome its fast kuraz either destroy yours for 2 cards or you opponents cards and attack for game with another monster

    also its different to the ones in chch

    i made this one of the top of my head

    bushi makes awesome tribute with kuraz (<its a warrior)

  3. do not makr me as spam

    but sorry never mix sams and ladds in one deck = c**p

    run opure sams

    i made 3rd place at my locasls with this tons of times and even 2 wins

    normally around 50 people attend

    19 monsters

    3 shogun

    1 enishi

    1 jinzo

    3 grandmaster

    3 zanji

    2 irou

    3 yaichi

    2 niashia

    1 kamon

    14 spells

    3 reasoning

    3 6 sam united

    2 r o t a

    2 cunning

    1 heavy

    1 mon reborn

    1 pre burial

    1 brain control

    7 traps

    3 solemn judgment

    2 dark bribe

    1 mirror force

    1 torrential tribute

    15 side

    2 jinzo

    2 kinetic

    2 legendarry jujitsu master

    2 pulling the rug

    2 royal decree

    2 bottomless trap hole

    3 reckless greed

  4. The deck definitely looks like it could work, but still not as good as a Perfect Circle deck would.  This deck really needs a little more draw power.  So you can put in like 2 Six Samurai United and maybe 1 or 2 Spirit of the Six Samurai.  They will both help you out and you will go through your deck a bit faster.

    Also to remark on the other guy, Cyber Dragons don't get splashed in for the h**l of it.  They only get thrown in if they can serve a purpose.  In this deck they are there for a Special Summon to sacrifice for either Light and Darkness Dragon or for either of the 3 Caius or, if need be, for the Grandmasters or for Jinzo.  So don't speak if you don't know what you are talking about.

  5. The deck might be able to work. I think that it has potential. How much have to play tested it? You could also try this light and darkness samurai build.

    Monsters - 22

    3x Grandmaster of the Six Samurai

    2x Great Shogun Shien

    2x Enishi, Shien’s Chancellor

    2x Light and Darkness Dragon

    3x The Six Samurai - Zanji

    3x The Six Samurai - Yaichi

    3x The Six Samurai - Irou

    1x The Six Samurai - Kamon

    1x Morphing Jar

    1x Treeborn Frog

    1x Card Trooper

    Magic - 12

    2x Foolish Burial

    2x Cunning of the Six Samurai

    2x Reinforcement of the Army

    1x Monster Reborn

    1x Mystical Space Typhoon

    1x Heavy Storm

    1x Lightning Vortex

    1x Brain Control

    1x Premature Burial

    Traps - 6

    1x Mirror Force

    1x Torrential Tribute

    2x Double-Edged Sword Technique

    2x Solemn Judgment

    This is another samurai variant. It's probably a little more playable than your version but, like I said, I think your idea could be made into something playable.

    If you have any spare time, I'm curious to see how your deck plays, E-mail me and tell me how it does against any top decks.

  6. ..good..because..not..too..much..spell.....

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