
Yu Gi Oh Reversal Quiz Deck?

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I love this deck. Totally. I mean, what more could be the best way of winning than snatching away your opponent's LP, swapping with your own LP which you made no attempt of whatsoever to defend, then following up a burn damage that he can't do anything but accept? (If you're a noob and think that the question above is what I'm asking: It's not.) The theory of this deck is quite simple, straightforward, but absolutely deceiving. Anyways, here's my tentative creation of the deck. If you happen to have some knowledge on Reversal Quiz, give me some comments on what to modify on this deck (this is not exactly 40 so a couple of card suggestion won't hurt either):

Dekoichi x3

A Feather of the Phoenix x2

Ancient Gear Tank x3

Black Pendant

Fuhma Shuriken x3


Giant Trunade

Hammer Shot x2

Heavy Storm

Magical Mallet x3

Mystical Space Typhoon

Nightmare's Steelcage x3


Reversal Quiz

Toon Table of Contents x3

Toon World

Upstart Goblin x3

Bottomless Traphole x2

Solemn Judgment




  1. Ah....very nice!! You might want to leave it like that.

  2. ( 4.1 out of 10 )

    Yeah, that is a okay strategy but you have left out some really important cards to make certain that you can win with Reversal Quiz....I can see that the majority of the deck is spells but it could still go wrong....also dude, once you have traded life points there isn't a complete strategy to drop your opponents life points to 0...check out this deck dude!


    x1 Shadow Ghoul

    x1 Cannon Soldier

    x1 Marshmallon

    x1 Morphing Jar

    x1 Vampire Lord

    x3 Pyramid Turtle

    x3 Poison Mummy

    x3 Dekochi the Battlechanted Locomotive

    x3 Big Eye


    x2 Reversal Quiz

    x2 Recycle

    x1 Pot of Avarice

    x2 Book of Moon

    x1 Soul Reversal

    x1 Scapegoat

    x1 Swords of Revealing Light

    x1 Monster Reincarnation

    x1 Mystical Space Typhoon

    x2 Magical Mallet

    x2 Nightmare Steel Cage


    x1 Magic Cylinder

    x1 Solomn's Judgment

    x1 Ceasefire

    x2 Cemetary Bomb

    x2 Bottomless Trap Hole


    I can easily see the strategy of your deck, letting your opponent deal damage hile you draw cards but even if you guess right when you call Reversal Quiz there isn't much of a chance to make your opponent hit really could have a hole bunch of great cards in your deck and still let your opponent chip away at your life points...this deck is similar to my Reversal deck which hasn't been defeated yet...but at times it can get really difficult!!!

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