
Yu-gi-oh: When i put a monster in face down defense, and it is attacked, what do i do.?

by  |  earlier

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Do i put it in face up attack, or do i put it in face up defense.




  1. it stays in defence and if the defence is lower than the atk of the other monster then it dies if its the same or higher it lives, unless it has a certain effect such as this monster cannot be destroyed as a result of battle then it stays face up defence when attacked

  2. You flip the face-down defense monster face up in defense mode, not attack. The mode stays the same regardless if its face-up or face-down. The mode would only chance if you change it yourself. Afterwards, if the Defense of your monster is lower than the Attack of your oppenents, then you monster is destroyed. If they are the same, both are destroyed. If yours is higher, the oppenents is destroyed.

    If your monster is destroyed or if bother of yours are destroyed, you loose no life points. If your oppenets is destroyed however, only he/se looses life points.

    Then there effects that may trigger when a card is flipped. If that is the case the card will say

    Flip: (The Effect)

    Just follow what it says and do it.

    Hope this helps

    And guys if you can read, he said its for his little brother and so what if he plays Yu-Gi-oh? Its just a game and if playing so, it doesnt mean you dont have a life. I'm sure you people play Halo or something and I could say the same thing about you

  3. ok put a trap or spell card that will work in this sitation and if its man eater then u can kill any monster for free i love the special efect

  4. DORK!!!!

  5. you are seriously such a total loser. my brother stopped watching that stupid thing when he was actually play the game??

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