
Yu gi oh. please take a look and make a suggestion. Expert advice of what i should add to this deck.?

by  |  earlier

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magician of faith x2

catapult turtle

chthonian emperor dragon


don zaloog x2

gladiator beast andal x3

white-horned dragon

witch of the black forest x2


monster recovery

spirtualism x2

nobelman of crossout


compolsory evacuation device

des counterblow

draining shield

dimension wall

backup soldier

i know my deck doesnt have 40. i used to play but i havent played in a while so i have no clue what any of the new cards are. so please give me some suggestions of what i should take out and what i should put in. please give me a list of cards that are good. i wanna get back into tournaments so id really apreciate the help. Thankyou




  1. Oh tournaments? Buddy, Ive been there. Ive lost!!! At school, im the most powerful of em all. No ne can beat me. I have the most and best cards. At the tournament, they have HELLA better cards. Anyways, for a tournament, you cant have MAgician of Fatih, or witch of the black forest. Go to And look at the forbidden lists. There are restirctions there. And also, if your tryin to make a deck for tournaments, your gonna need 7 tools, and magic jammers, and divine wraths. Skill Drain may come in use too, along with horus Lv 6 and 8, and a jinzo or royal decree. You need a heavy storm, along with a mystical space typhoon. Go to the website, see the restrictions, and try again. Then email me at I'll try to furthore help you from there... lol.

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