
Yugioh Question About What is Chain Best Answer Would Get 10 P ?

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If some can tell definition of chain and also a example how does it work etc they would get Best Answer and 10 P




  1. A chain is a continuous steam of card effects.

    When a Chain Resolves the last card used in it is the first effect to take place.

    When you activate a Counter-Trap Card you must make sure that the standards are set before hand.

    The Highest Chain Count Their Can Be Is 4, And you MUST activate a card with the same card speed or higher to continue a chain or chain a card.

    Lowest Speed- Monster, Spell (Can Not Chain [Exception Doomcaliber Knight])

    Middle Speed- Trap , Quickplay Magic

    Fastest Speed- Counter Trap


    You attack a face-down monster it has a flip effect Its effecting activating causes a chain.

    Ex.1 Say You attack Man-Eater Bug once its effect activates you may activate a quickplay spell, trap, or counter trap card on top of it.

    If you activate a regular Trap card then your opponent may chain with a trap as well or counter trap.

    If your opponent it gives you a chance to activate another trap unless it was a counter trap then you must activate another counter trap.

    Chain Continues until 5 is reached then it ends.

    Ex. 2 Say your Opponent Declare an attack you may activate Sakaretsu Armor

    After that your opponent may activate a Seven Tools Of The Bandit, Trap Jammer, Solumn Judgment, or Dark Bribe.

    In order for you to continue the chain with either of those cards you must activate a counter trap such as one of the ones listed above. (You still must pay the cost of a spell or trap card that requires you to pay LP or discard a card EVEN IF IT IS NEGATED)

    Hope this helps

  2. a chain is like ok you activate monster reborn   you "chain(chain 1)' it by negating it with magic jammer which is "chain2" so its like negation and stuff you can keep on chaining like chain magic jammer with trap jammer "chain3' and so on and on

    you can actualy chain heavy storm with quick play cards like mystical space typhoon

    like they activate  heavy storm you can activate mystic typhoon if its on the field you cant destroy heavy storm but you can still destroy another card hope this helps

  3. A chain is when two or more cards are activated one after the other in retort to each other.

    When a chain occurs, the effects of the cards are applied in reverse ex- the card activated second would apply first in a two card chain.

    Chains are also affected by the spell speed of cards.

    That website should help explain.

    Hope I could help!!!

  4. chain are say if you play monster reborn then that's chan link 1 then your oppenent play magic jammer then that's chain link 2 and so on and so on

  5. it can have a limit to 4 counter and quick-play can start it. example dian keto the cure master is played magic Jamar is played then seven tools of bandit is played dian keto the cure master effect remains  

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