
Yugioh-do you think that anyone would trade their Dark magician of chaos for a rainbow dark dragon????

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  1. DMOC is more playable than Rainbow Dark in today's game, especially after everyone found that the Rainbow Dark Turbo wasn't as effective as everyone thought.  Even with DMOC in the gold series, it's still more expensive than RDD is right now.

    You might get lucky though, it's still possible someone might do it, but not likely.

  2. it depends does the person need the rainbow dark dragon or do they need DMOC more.

    i personally would take the Rainbow Dark Dragon.

    b/c he has a cool effect and a awesome picture.

    but DMOC effect is also good. except it will be removed from the game if it is destroyed.

    got to be careful of those types of effects.

  3. Sorry, a Rainbow Dark Dragon isn't as good as Dark Magician of Chaos right now.

    But maybe Rainbow Dark will be as good as DMoC someday.

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