
Yugioh help. Horn of Heaven?

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I have a feeling that the card horn of heaven is good. but i dont understand what it means by negate the normal summon,flip summon. or special summon of a monster allowing me to destroy it?

can anyone explain how i can use this card or in what situation i would use it. OR WHAT DOES THE CARD MEAN LOL ?

thanks for any helpful info




  1. Its like trap hole. negate=stop.  

  2. If your opponent summons a monster, you can negate and destroy it meaning the monster was never summoned at all

  3. yugi oh is still around???? i had no idea

  4. Your feeling is wrong. Horn of heaven isn't good. You have to give up two cards to your opponents one which will probably be brought back with premature burial or monster reborn. There are much better trap cards to be used.

  5. it means the monster was never somened so something like master pupatir who gifes his duelist 500 points each time a monster is somened won't work!! ^_^

  6. It just negate the summon, is means that monster was never able to make it on to the field.

    unlike trap hole, horn of heaven works on jinzo, because it totally negate the summon and jinzo never made it to the field, and trap hole don't work on jinzo because trap hole can only be activated when the monster is on the field.  

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