
Yugioh help??????

by  |  earlier

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i love dinosaurs my freinds have a spellcaster deck and another a dragon deck. now i want to make a deck using any card up to 3 times revolving "Frostosaurus", "Super Conductor Tyranno", "Black Tyranno", "Super-Ancient Dinobeast", "Dark Driceratops", "Ultimate Tyranno", and "Guardian Grarl". no more than 40 cards. plz




  1. Ok. I have lots of experience with these decks so here is one:

    MONSTERS: 19

    (1) Super Conductor Tyranno

    (1) Ultimate Tyranno

    (1) Frostosarus

    (2) Super-Ancient Dino Beast

    (1) Dark Driceratops

    (1) Guardian Grarl

    (3) Sabersaurus

    (3) Hydrogeddon

    (3) Black Stego

    (3) Hyper Hammerhead

    SPELLS: 13

    (3) Mausoleum of the Emperor

    (2) Big Evolution Pill

    (2) Gravity Axe - Grarl

    (1) Hammer Shot

    (1) Lightning Vortex

    (1) Mystical Space Typhoon

    (1) Heavy Storm

    (1) Monster Reborn

    (1) Swords of Revealing Light

    TRAPS: 8

    (3) Solemn Judgment

    (1) Mirror Force

    (1) Torrential Tribute

    (3) Dimensional Prison/Sakuretsu Armor

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