
Yugioh help. wat structure deck is better spellcasters judgement or dragons roar? how much are they in NY BK?

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i dont care either brooklyn or manhattan. pleas tell me exact price and the palce. be sure 2 include the street, store name and borough. if i buy it from the palce i was told 10 points




  1. First, I'll offer you the Stores it's up to you in picking which store is ner you or you want.



    Upper Deck

    Upper Deck On-Line Store


    Animation Odyssey, Inc.  

    1327 Surf Ave.

    Brooklyn, NY 11224, United States  

    718 336-6880 map  

    CB Enterprises  C/O Barrios Driving School

    3914 5th Ave.

    Brooklyn, NY 11232, United States  

    718 967-5634 map  

    Center Stages Hobby Stations Inc.  

    801 58th Street

    Brooklyn, NY 11220, United States  

    718 853-0980 map  

    EWT Gift Shop  5511 5th Ave.

    Brooklyn, NY 11220, United States  

    718 439-7514 map  

    Kings Games  

    1685 East 15th Street

    Brooklyn, NY 11229, United States    map  

    Playmakers Inc.

    800 3rd Ave.

    Brooklyn, NY 11232, United States  

    718 788-2627 map  



    BROOKLYN, NY 11229, United States  

    718 646-9281 map  



    BROOKLYN, NY 11201, United States  

    718 596-4020 map  

    The I don't know the exact price but at least you had a budget of around 3 to 5 box..

    What is better?

    Read my article at my multily site:

    There are Strategies I've posted in there.

    I've blog it just for you...

  2. Sorry that I don't know the place that you're talking about but I can still tell you about the structure decks:

    Spellcaster's Judgement is mainly based on Dark Magician and Dark Eradicator Warlock.  Which is actually a pretty good card to have if you want to deal damage by effects.  Dragon's roar is a powerful deck, but compared to Spellcaster's Judgement, it has a lot less strategy linked within.  So if you're a beginner, I'd suggest you to pick Dragon's roar, if you're more experienced and knows different strategies, I would prefer Spellcaster's judgement.  But over all, i'd choose spellcaster's judgement over Dragon's roar.

    -I hoped I helped!    :-)

  3. spellcasters judement is way better it is still my favorite structure deck.

    i only wish i still had it.

    i traded it because i got my key cards stolen.

    it sucked but i will one day get another set and reclaim my glory days with that deck.

  4. dragons roar is better for advanced cards, spellcasters for basic cards.

    i know of 2 card shops in new york:

    Whateverdot is located at 296 Atlantic Ave. Brooklyn NY

    i dont know the prices.

    dave and adams card world in amherst, NY. dragons roar is 8$, and spellcasters is 13. cheapest prices you will find.

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