
Yugioh light deck without lightsworn please rate and fix

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arcana force XXI the world x2

arcana force IV the emporer x2

arcana force III the empress x2

arcana force VII the chariot x3

arcana force 0 the fool x2

kuraz the light monarch x2

guardian of order

cyber dragon

d.d warrior lady

blue thunder t-45

and non lights are

snipe hunter and neo spacian grand mole


light barrier x3

burden of the mighty x2

lightning vortex

soul exchange

monster reborn


brain control

dragged down into the grave

heavy storm

nobleman of crossout

dark core

cup of ace

swords of revealing light

second coin toss


lucky chance x2

tour of doom x2

mirror force

so please rate and fix

and dont say i need lightsworn i like my deck without them




  1. Hello. Firstly, I don't blame you for not wanting to use a Lightsworn theme. I find them to be highly overrated and overpriced; I mean, have you seen Judgment Dragon prices? RIDICULOUS!!! Anyway, your Deck seems to be running along the lines of Arcana Force. You're missing a few key cards, but I can fix that. Let's go.

    MONSTERS: 20

    1 Arcana Force EX The Dark Ruler

    2 Arcana Force XXI The World

    3 Arcana Force 0 The Fool

    2 Arcana Force XIV Temperance

    2 Arcana Force I The Magician

    2 Arcana Force III the Empress

    2 Arcana Force IV The Emperor

    2 Arcana Force VI The Lovers

    1 Arcana Force VII The Chariot

    2 Cyber Dragon

    1 Morphing Jar

    SPELLS: 15

    2 Cup of Ace

    2 Second Coin Toss

    2 Light Barrier

    1 Mystical Space Typhoon

    1 Heavy Storm

    1 Monster Reborn

    1 Pot of Avarice

    1 Swords of Revealing Light

    1 Burden of The Mighty

    2 Shrink

    1 Premature Burial

    TRAPS: 7

    3 Reversal of Fate

    1 Arcana Call

    2 Tour of Doom

    1 Mirror Force

    Side Deck:

    3 The Tricky

    2 Mask of Darkness

    1 Marshmallon

    1 Spirit Reaper

    1 Tricky Spell 4

    I hope this deck helps. The Dark Ruler card is not very difficult to find anymore, and works wonders in this Deck. Three Reversal of Fate in combination with Second Coin Toss can certainly help swing the Duel in your favor. Shrink can complement Burden of The Mighty, but Burden is not necessary with the two copies of Shrink. I've side-decked mask of darkness to help you retrieve Reversal of Fate and Tour of Doom. The Tricky, which is being released in Duelist Genesis, is excellent for generating tribute food for your Arcana army. Tricky Spell 4 complements this further.

    Good Luck, and may fate be with you...

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