
Yugioh non-fusion area?

by  |  earlier

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my little brother and i were dueling and this is what happaned;

i play future fusion so in 2 turns i'll somen necroid shaman then my brother 1 turn later plays non-fusion area and we got into an agument cuzz he thinks non-fusion area will negate and destroy future fusionsins the fusion hasan't ben somened yet but i think future fusion still works cuzz it was activated a turn befor non-fusion area was so the fusion somen's still in place so future fusion should still work who's right on this??

and cuzz of the agument we just ended the duel and called it a draw and who ever has the most votes on this when this question ends wins the duel insted of the normel win!! ^_^




  1. technically you didnt fusion summon yet, the fusion summon is when the monster hits the field, so yes non fusion area would negate it, and your monsters and future fusion where wasted.

    also just read, future fusion states that the card is special summoned on your second standby phase. AND it says in brackets, "(This Special Summon is treated as a fusion summon)"

  2. Future Fusion was already activated Non Fusion Area can't stop it

  3. I don't even know where to begin with this question.  This is a great question and for the first time I'm seriously stumped as to how to answer it.

    However, I will try to answer it even though this is just a total guess at this point.

    It sounds like that this question goes all the way back to the old Jinzo-Skill Drain debate.  The ruling states that whichever card was on the field first gets priority.  If Jinzo was on the field first, then you wouldn't even be able to activate Skill Drain.  If Skill Drain was on the field first, then Jinzo's effect when he's on the field will be negated.  So even though Non-Fusion Area is face-up on the field, Necroid Shaman will still get Fusion Summoned as Future Fusion was on the field before it.  However, this ruling might not apply here as the monster in question hasn't actually been Fusion Summoned yet.  So what might happen is that on it's second turn, Future Fusion will try to Fusion Summon Necroid Shaman, but because of Non-Fusion Area, it might not be able to.

    I know I didn't answer your question, but at least I helped you understand it a bit better.  lol.

  4. U WIN

    (ur bro i smart to ue that card beacuse u want 2 have 35 fusions)

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