

by Guest65719  |  earlier

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2 questions:

1Why is Pot of Greed Band!!! The thing only alows the owner to draw 1 card (think of if pot of greed was not there than the card you'll draw during your next draw phase will be the first of the two you are going to draw with pot of greed)!!!

2 if you think of it from my point of view then why even bother having a jar of greed?! If the card was not there you would've drew the same card anyway during your next draw phase????

Plz answer.... am I rite or not?




  1. Pot of Greed gives you 2 cards straight from the deck.  No drawbacks.  That's just an instant +2 for you in every way.  Todays game relies on speed and drawing fast so todays cards for drawing must be limited somehow.  We have D Draw, Allure, Hand Destruction, and now Solar Recharge, plus Reckless Greed is back at 3 now.  Putting Pot back into the game will just make Exodia flourish again and speed up top decks even more.

  2. well for certain stratigies it works very effectively, like an exodia deck with 40 cards for example

    u want to have cards that will just take up the bulk in your deck but can also slim down the deck to the point that its easier to draw the exodia pieces

    and as for pot of greed being banned...limits for drawing had to be put in place somewhere because of all the new cards that can let u draw.

    heck, on the list right before pot of greed was banned graceful charity was banned instead

  3. You're thinking of it wrong. In a 40 card deck, those cards are better, or a deck that focuses on draw power (like Exodia). When you think of 'if the card wasn't there', remember that you NEED 40 cards in your deck, so it does help draw the needed cards.

    I dont think Pot of Greed should be banned, but with all the newer draw cards (Allure of Darkness, etc), it's not likely to return anytime soon because there's no cost to it.

    Jar of Greed is best left in an Exodia deck or a deck that wants to draw a lot and already has Upstart Goblins, Good Goblin Housekeeping, Reckless Greed, etc.

  4. You looked at it wrong. With jar of greed, fllowing the same logic, you draw no cards.  Pot of greed was banned becuase it makes a forty card deck a 38 card deck.
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