
Yugioh - rate/ fix my poor man's zombie deck?

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1x vampire lord

2x ryu kokki

2x cyber dragon

2x regenerating mummy

3x zombie master

3x pryamid turtle

2x giant rat

1x legendary jujitsu master

1x breaker

1x spirit reaper

1x morphing jar

3x card of safe return

3x shrink

3x book of life

2x creature swap

1x monster reborn

1x premature burial

1x heavy storm

1x mst

1x lightning vortex

1x brain control

1x torrential tribute

1x mirror force

2x royal decree

I have decided to use regenerating mummy instead of snipe hunter because it is more consistant with the deck type and is almost never a dead draw. By all means, feel free to disagree, but don't bash.

Please tell me waht you think, but keep in mind that this deck is a budget deck. I have also been thinkning about switching out the royal decrees for PWWB's. tell me your opinion.

thank you




  1. Its okayy

    and 7/10

  2. well first if you want a zombie deck i would take out your 2 cyber dragons but accully other than that its a pritty good deck  i give it a 7.5 out of 10

  3. 20 Monsters

    2 IL Blud

    2 Ryu Kokki

    3 Zombie Master

    3 Prymaid Turtle

    3 Goblin Zombie

    2 Mezuki

    1 Sangan

    1 Spirit Reaper

    1 Morphing Jar

    2 D.D. Crow

    15 Spells

    3 Book Of Life

    3 Card OF Safe Return

    2 Allure Of Darkness

    1 Mon Rebron

    1 Pre Burial

    1 Brain Control

    1 Lightning Vortex

    1 Heavy

    1 M S T

    1 Giant Truande

    7 Traps

    3 Solemn Judgment

    2 Bottomless Trap Hole

    1 Mirror Force

    1 Torrential Tribute

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