
Yugioh water deck help?

by  |  earlier

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I just put this together out of spare cards i had lying around, its got too many, thats for sure, but what can i take out and what else can i add? I know i need terraformings.

My strategy with this deck is to keep a legendary ocean on the field and abuse the monsters that need umi for their effects, while powering them up.

total: 59

Monsters: 36

Nightmare Penguin x 3

Mother Grizzly x 3

Sea Serpent Warrior Of Darkness x 3

7 Colored Fish x 3

Warrior Of Atlantis x 2

Amphibious Bugroth MK-3 x 2

Unshaven Angler x 2

Space Mambo x 2

Levia-Dragon - Daedalus x 2

Spiral Serpent x 2

Hydrogeddon x 2

Gemini Lancer x 1

Mobius The Frost Monarch x 1

Fenrir x 1

Penguin Soldier x 1

Island Turtle x 1

Mermaid Knight x 1

Carrierroid x 1

Ocean Dragon Lord - Neo-Daedalus x 1

Phantom Dragonray Bronto x 1

Terrorking Salmon x 1

Spells: 15

A Legendary Ocean x 3

Salvage x 3

Big Wave Small Wave x 2

Field Barrier x 2

Mystical Space Typhoon x 1

Premature Burial x 1

Level Limit - Area B x 1

Brain Control x 1

Spring Of Rebirth x 1

Traps: 8

Tornado Wall x 2

Torrential Tribute x 1

Alchemy Cycle x 1

Gravity Bind x 1

Negate Attack x 1

Draining Shield x 1

Sakuretsu Armor x 1




  1. Sorta lots of cards. That person right before me posted a deck that'd work better, follow it, if you can. :D 6/10 right now.

  2. Hello. Your Deck needs to be whittled down quite a bit. I can do not only that, i can also make it VERY powerful. Let's go.

    MONSTERS: 20

    2 Ice Master

    3 Cold Enchanter

    2 Mobius The Frost Monarch

    2 The Legendary Fisherman

    3 Hydrogeddon

    3 Warrior of Atlantis

    2 Cyber Dragon

    1 Dragon Ice

    1 Morphing Jar

    1 Card Trooper

    1 Abyss Soldier

    1 Treeborn Frog

    SPELLS: 14

    3 A Legendary Ocean

    2 Cold Wave

    2 Shrink

    1 Mystical Space Typhoon

    1 Monster Reborn

    1 Pot of Avarice

    1 Premature Burial

    1 Nobleman of Crossout

    1 Brain Control

    1 Foolish Burial

    TRAPS: 5

    2 Tornado Wall

    1 Mirror Force

    1 Torrential Tribute

    1 Trap Dustshoot

    This chilling Deck is based off of the newer Ice monsters from Duelist Genesis. The key player here is the Ice Master. Her effect allows you to Tribute two WATER monsters to Special Summon her, which shouldn't be a problem in this Deck. Her second effect is where her power comes from: you can tribute the Ice Master to destroy all Monsters with an Ice Counter on them!! Sounds cool, right?

    You may be asking yourself where these "Ice Counters" come from. Well, they are generated by Cold Enchanter's effect. You can discard one card to place an Ice Counter on one monster on the field, and you can do it as many times as you want each turn.

    So when you're ready, Summon Cold Enchanter with at least 3 Monsters out. Discard cards in hand equal to the number of Monsters on your opponent's field, except for Ice Master, spreading Ice Counters across the field. Make sure you play Cold Wave to freeze your opponent's field completely. You could even place Ice Counters on Cold Enchanter to raise its ATK. Finally, tribute Ice Master to destroy all of your opponent's Monsters, and mount a mass attack with your remaining monsters.

    The entire Deck is meant to support this strategy. Hydrogeddon can generate tribute food, and Legendary Fisherman is excellent for any WATER Deck. Dragon Ice is good in a pinch, gaining a Special Summon when needed. Warrior of Atlantis is all you need to search Legendary Ocean, and his ATK is pretty solid while Ocean is already out. Mobius kills any nasty surprises your opponent may be planning, and the remaining Monsters (Trooper, Cyber, and Morphing Jar) are here for obvious reasons.

    The Spells are pretty simple to understand and the Traps are self-explanatory as well, so I won't delve into them.

    This is only a Test Ice Deck. More Ice cards are being released in the near future, you can tweak the Deck until it works the way you want it to once they come out.

    I hope this answer helps. Happy Dueling!!!

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