
Yugioh zombie deck?

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what i want to know is why do most people who say they have a good zombie deck always include these cards (card trooper and neos spacian mole). i dont understand why these cards are always put in a zombie deck and i want to know why. cards i beleive are good in a zombie deck that are not zombies are (1cyber dragon, 1snipe hunter, 1sangan, 1jinzo and 1 giant rat).




  1. Zombies are powerful when they swarm but may hit an obstacle like a powerful monsters or monsters that cant be destroyed, so that's where Grand Mole comes in as a perfect monster removal. Card trooper is just used to dump as many zombies you can into the grave.

  2. well see zombies aren't known for their ridiculous atk they are known for swarming that's the strength of a zombie deck so when a monster like glad beast heraclinos hits the field a zombie deck is done for unless they run grand mole and they add card trooper to mill monster cards from the deck to the graveyard so that you can use book of life or zombie master quicker . its all about speed and quick response to a problem that might be seen frequently in competitive play. don't get me wrong giant rats snipe hunter and cyber dragons can be useful as well its really depending on how that player wants play the deck. i think any zombie deck that has had the proper amount of thought put into it can be good zombies are easy to play.

    marinate on that!
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