
Yuhh trick i gotta Q about DANCE!!!!???

by  |  earlier

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kk so their is this dance move and i don't know what it's called. its when like, your right toe goes forward at the same time your left heal goes in the same direction, then your right heal goes forward as at the same time your left toe goes in the same direction, then your right toe lifts up and at the same time your left heel goes in the same direction but stays on the ground. then going left. what is this called?




  1. This is hip-hop I am assuming and it is called the toe-heel :)

  2. its called the heel toe no joke lol ive been trying to learn it for a yr now.10 points?

  3. Yeah, what the above person said is right, it sounds like the Heel Toe, all it is is a way to move left or right in a cool way o.o It's pretty easy to learn, the only problem is doing it continuously, and learning other moves involving it, like the X walk...

  4. maybe the crip walk

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