
Yuvraj Singh and Preity Zinta partnership picks up pace?

by  |  11 years, 2 month(s) ago

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1) On Nov 30th Preity Zinta gave a paid Q & A press release “Preity Zinta on IPL, Ness and her comeback in Bollywood“ where her Question read : What about a possibility of getting back together with your ex, Ness Wadia? – Her answer read: That is my past and I don’t intend to go in my past as life is all about stepping forward.
2) On Dec 8th just 1 week after we see Preity Zinta falling all over a poor dumb struck Ness Wadia during the excuse of IPL court proceedings and we saw the ridiculous “Are they back together”?
3) On same day Dec 8th Preity Zinta gives another press release “I like Aishwarya’s in the face attitude” where she says she is okay with people speculating about the relationship.
4) On Dec 19th Preity ZInta gets another blog written about “How to stay friends after splitting?”
5) On Jan 2, 2011, she organizes a blog on fakingnews dot com maligning Ness Wadia in a humiliating way when the breakup happened 2 years back when there is no need to talk about it again and again.

Even when nobody has asked her about this subject she keeps on talking about make up and break up and friend and colleague?? It is public knowledge that Preity Zinta and Ness Wadia split 2 years back and he had tried to sell his IPL stake and was not even interested in fighting to get back in IPL and has been maintaining distance since then. They were highly incompatible and never really got along. On the other hand Zinta’s closeness with Brett Lee was exposed by fakeiplplayer in his graphic poem on IPL nights. Her closeness with Yuvraj was national news. She got along with Chatwal like house on fire. She had live- in relationships with Lars and Marc. When relationships sour and one of them is abnormal and tries to drag the other on the pretext of friend and colleague etc etc, the other has no option but to get married. Both of these men Lars and Marc are married for several years now with kids but Zinta still hangs on single with multiple relationships. Is she similar to Sallu who kept stalking Aish till she got married under Big B and Balasaheb’s blessings?




  1. preity zinta is a gold digger. she does not want 20cr from doing movies or 200 cr from selling IPL.Her eyes are set on 100 times larger empires!!

  2. But Yuvraj has also thrown her off by giving press release that he does not want anything to do with Zinta by saying in Hindustan Times "I wish Preity's team well."

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